Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Firmly behind Madonna!

Once again Madonna has been on the front pages of almost each and every news paper all over the world after her decision to adopt for the second time.

However, there has been a lot of negative controversy over the issue. People do not think it fair that celebrities are able adopt just like that without going through the whole tiresome process ordinary people do, simply because they float in cash. Many are infuriated and think Madonna should not be allowed to adopt since she is now a single mother after divorcing hubby Guy Ritchie. Others shamelessly accuse her of going through the whole saintly ordeal for publicity reasons. I think these people are just being irritatingly inconsiderate in thinking that way. Madonna surely does not need to adopt a poor Malawian kid just for publicity. She has enough fame to last her a zillion years.

Despite what people think or say, locked or not, publicity stunts or whatever you may call it, the fact that Madonna will give Baby Mercy a life her parents might never even have dreamt of for their daughter still remains. One out of a million poverty stricken children is being given a chance for life; a chance to a brighter future. To hell with the law and all other stupid rules. Madonna should go ahead and adopt Baby Mercy!
Coming from one of the most impoverished countries in Africa, myself, (coincidentaly where baby David and Mercy are originally from) believe me, there are so many children out there whom given a chance, would make brilliant doctors, lawyers, teachers etc. But they have no way out.

These people who think Madonna should not go ahead with the adoption simply because she has no ring on her finger, have absolutely no idea what the word 'poverty' stands for. They have no idea how it feels like to go to bed on an empty stomach. The only problem they have is probably infertility....or maybe impotency.
Ofcourse celebrities are favoured. Money talks! Thats reality. If people like Madge, Angelina and all others who have it in abundance want to share it with one or two less fortunate children, who are we to stand in their way?

So, before any more huge yapping mouths are widely opened to expel rotten rubbish, one important factor should be put into consideration; not Madge being a single mother and looking for publicity, not how unfair this whole system is, but "Baby Mercy's life".

Madonna might be a single mother but she has all the money to give this little girl a life many of us only experience in our dreams and thoughts.

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