Sunday, April 19, 2009

No proof of the existence of Sorcery.

Where I come from, almost everyone is obsessed with sorcery - witchcraft, in other words. Most people equate this evil-associated form of art with the eldery, and am not sure why. Maybe their frail and puckered appearance perfectly fits the imaginative description of evil......well, I dont know. I remember when I was in Standard 3, a certain friend of mine came to School late claiming a witch had fallen off from the roof at their house. Being horribly curious, I knew there was absolutely no way I was going to miss such a big event. I remember, I was supposed to take a Maths test on that day, but I chose to miss it for the witch. When I got there, I was dissappointed to see just an ordinary-looking old lady on the porch being mercilessly beaten. People who had come to the scene earlier swore the lady looked really scary minutes after her fall. They claimed her ears were as big as satelite dishes, her nose almost a 100m wide and so on. I did not believe any of that crap for I didn't see it, so I decided to go back to School to face the inevitable consequences - a good beating. The rest of the day went sour for me. The miserable whipping my backside endured on that particular afternoon, for missing the test would have been a lot more bearable if I had seen the witch still in her evil transformation (big ears and all that).......anyway, I guess it just was not my day.
Not only the old and wrinkled are the first suspects when it comes to witchcraft, even small children - especially the ones who look malnourished, are sometimes branded witches. It is a strong belief that stunted growth in kids is a result of eating too much human meat. Unbelievably GROSS!

I find this whole belief in sorcery ridiculous and stupid. How is it possible for a grown person to fly on a needle or broom, or sprint on a delicate Spider web? Honestly, if witchcraft really existed, a lot of people, especialy Africans, would be millionaires - they would use their magic powers to rob banks and make themselves filthy rich.
I believe the whole thing is just a stupid excuse losers use when things dont go their way. "ndalodzedwa, akuti akuti aja alemera mosadziwika bwino, ufiti...." These are the kinds of silly lines people usually comfort their silly *asses with, when their lives are nothing but total fiascos. PATHETIC!
Unless I see myself up in the sky on a needle, I will forever remain unconvinced about the existence of supernatural powers.

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