Monday, April 6, 2009


Scribbling, scribbling and more scribbling. Its another Manic Monday and as usual, I am in a foulest mood. And to ice the cake, I have one of them terrible period pains. Its absolute crap!

So, to avoid life in prison, (coz now I so feel like strangling some soul) I have decided to torture this poor keyboard instead.... it definitely is more appealing than brutal murder.

Damn, I am insane!
Its times like these when I realise that not everybody who's seen a Shrink has their brain wires crossed or messed up and that you don't have to be instutionalised to qualify as a lunatic. I am a perfect example of raw lunacy. Ofcourse I inherited a fair share of crazy genes but I would still have qualified had that not been the case.
I live in my thoughts. That absolutely gives me a plus where insanity is concerned. There are times when I feel like the most demented soul on this planet. But right now I feel more like a confused pregnant cockroach who is experiencing horrible labour pains than crazy.
I am sorry if you happen to be cursed and are reading this at the moment.....

Eeeeeeish, I am not sure where I am going with this anymore. My scattered brain seems exhausted. I can't scribble when that happens.

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