Friday, April 10, 2009

Whats the point???

The Irish are famously and globally known for being notoriously thirsty; they are critical dipsomaniacs.
I haven't met any group of creatures who smoke like chimneys, drink more than a million fish en masse and romp more often than sex-deprived rabbits.

Anyone would think I'm making all this up if they visited Ireland Easter weekend. These people put the whole mother Theresa facade during this time. Everything that has anything to do with alcohol and fags dies a quick painful death on good friday; pretentiously that is. Clubs, pubs, off-licenses and all places that sell alcohol are not only closed but the shelves that hold the bottles and containers of sin are covered with black material.

But the funny thing is; these alcoholic potatoes go to all that trouble pretending to be mourning the son of God but in their homes everything stays the same. They'd have purchased a plentiful amount of liquor to last them the days they're supposed to wear the christianity masks. If you dont know how they truly operate you would think they are so serious about the whole easter thing and all that. Well, wrong!

Everyone knows the Irish are forever thirsty. They, themselves, know it too. I think the whole business of closing up liquor stores just for reasons that are false is just incomprehensibly ridiculous. If they want to mourn their savour, Jesus Christ, then I suggest they shouldn't even touch alcohol in the first place during that whole time they are supposed to be mourning. Otherwise the whole routine is just absolutely pointless!

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