Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Orama!

The first animal I pushed into this world turns four in just two days; another dark,unwelcomed reminder of years piling up! I still find it hard to believe how fast time flies especially when one is trying to forget their age.

Its just not fair! Whenever I wish for time to drag a bit, it flies faster than a jet. And when I want it to go a tiny wee faster, it crawls slower than a heavily pregnant thats about to deliver triplets!

Anyway, I guess there is no dodging this an unwanted pile of years; old age will always have a way to irk one's soul even in severe cases of dementia, amnesia and all other memory related illnesses.

So for the fourth time I'm gonna have to try and pretend the horrors of wrinkles and grey hairs do not exist and revel with my son. At least I know I will seek solace in the strong and inviting arms of a winsome 'Jameson' later. That has always been a consolation.

Happy Birthday to my Precious boy! Besides the incessant yapping and crazy mischief, he is such a dote this little animal of mine. xx

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