Saturday, April 11, 2009


Male creatures can be so heartbreakingly annoying at times. Everytime I put an effort to at least get into their thick brains to figure them out, a terrible migraine hits me harder than a lightning bolt instead.
I've had it up to the neck with these insensitive, satan-forsaken beasts!

Who created men anyway? Surely not God...
Gosh! They are such irritants!

When a lady is quite, they think she is being moody.
"is it that time of the month again honey?" Thats all they think about..
Jeez, I could do with brutal strangulation!
It seems men do not like seeing their women smiling, laughing or just enjoying themselves; "honey, you are a bit irky today are you sure your haven't had too much to drink?" That question just drives me suicidal! Its like an insult to an injury.
To these creatures, every intimate gesture from their lady has to end in between the legs. They dont understand that sometimes a woman just want to feel her man close enjoying the warmth and the sound of his heart beat without going all the bloody way.
I have always felt there is more to love than just an ordinary romp. (No I aint frigid if thats what you think). After all love is suppose to be unconditional (sex or no sex) and be felt from the heart and from within a woman's legs. But nah, men always put sex as a condition. I truly believe you have to feel for someone deeply before you enjoy sex with them thoroughly. Thats why its called making love. But I guess that theory has yet to sink into animal's thick skulls. And chances of that happening are in negatives.

Whilst all men are the same in terms of annoyance and irritation, mine scoops the most massive gold medal for serious abuse of both behaviours. When am quite he starts whining about how tired he is of my flactuating moods. When am happier than usual, he always thinks alcohol has something to do with it and finds it irritating.
He hates my books so much he threatened to burn them all. He does not like me reading at all. But when I decide to give my eyes a break and make noise with my sister on the phone instead, he asks why I aint reading coz my talking to my only sibling galls him to the depth of his troubled soul.
And when am online, he goes ballistic and takes it out on glasses and anything that is breakable within his reach.
When I'm late from work, he jumps to a stupid "you are having an affair" conclusion. When I stay home, he thinks I have a mission of bringing other men in the house whilst he is at work.
I often ask him what he wants me to be doing instead since nothing pleases him.

All you good ladies out there, dont go out of your way just to please a man. They never get satisfied anyway. That is the way they will always be!

*apologies to all men who have read this...its just me musing out loud the truth.

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