Sunday, April 26, 2009

Forever on the dance floor.

Unlike Cinderella at the Prince's ball, she gracefully entered the familiar hall on a steady gait, with her head held as higher as the clouds. She looked elegant in her ankle-length emerald fashion designer dress that exposed her slender back, but hid the classy pair of stiletto she had on her feet. Her hair was a mass of fashionable spirals that dangled down her neck. She was a fantastic picturesque to behold!

A sudden realization of the vast changes that had taken place inside the old hall over the years brought her to an abrupt halt. She was awestruck!

A fluffy mass of red and gold carpet covered the once soiled floors. The walls were expensively papered in a rich yellow hue that would illuminate even the most despairing darkness.

The glittering constellation of lights in the ceiling added a much more exotic look to the place.

It was unbelievable!

Even the revellers looked different. The women were exclusive in their colourful ball gowns and make up. Almost angelic. The men in their tuxedos, almost untouchable. It was indeed an extravagant scenery.

The once filthy 'Kachasu' filled tumblers were now replaced with posh champaigne glasses. Everything was in an immaculate condition.

Among the throng of these beautiful merrymakers, her eyes searched for one familiar face. She could feel her soul tense inside. Every blood vessel in her body was boiling in anticipation. Then suddenly she spotted him at the far side of the hall. He had his head down and hands in his pockets as if deep in thoughts. Her heart was pounding so hard in her ribs, the soft music that was being played seemed mute in comparison. He still made her wits reel with desire after all the years.

And as if cautioned, he looked up from his dream and saw her. When their eyes met, everything went idle. The moment was intensely electrifying.

Then as if controlled by a huge magnetic force, they strided towards one another.

A few centimetres away from him, she made another halt to take a good look at the only man that had ever captivated her soul; the only man she loved.

He was now taller and annoyingly sexier. Unlike the other guys, he had his jacket off but still looked a million pounds worth. The first two buttons of his snow white shirt were unbuttoned and showed a morsel of manly hair. It took all the effort she could muster for her to remain in control. Otherwise all she wanted was to run to him and rip his shirt off so she could trace her fingers over his inviting love garden.

She covered the remaining two steps and took both his hands in hers. They did not have to say much. Their eyes spoke in very high decibels. The love waves flowing around in their blood vessels almost shook the whole place apart.

This time he didn't have to ask her to dance. When Joe Thomas started playing one of his amorous songs, he gently pulled her into the comfort of his strongs arms. It was as if she was moulded to perfectly fit there. Nothing else mattered but their love.

And when their lips finally met, everything and everyone disappeared into the thin oxygen around the hall. The slow, but most sensual kiss they shared made up for all the years lost; sealing their destiny forever, right on the same dance floor where it all begun.
**For you Jr**

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