Monday, March 30, 2009

Online Social Networks Suck!!!!

Have you ever suffered an addiction or obsession of some sort?
Have you ever felt like you had exhausted your brain thinking of one thing over and over it made you dizzy?
Have you ever fallen so deeply into depression after you realised you have become someone you despise?

I dont know about you, but I have. All in the name of online social networks! My experience with Bebo, Facebook, Hi-5 and My Space was so painfully disorienting I don't ever want to go through it again. Belonging to any one of the social networks gave me all the reasons to be pathetically miserable. Within a few months of joining Facebook, I became someone I did not like very much.

Thi is what usually happens before one joins the diseased chain of social networks; one of your friends emails you an invite for either Facebook or Hi-5.... or any of the above mentioned networks.
You hesitate a bit, but then you say what the hell...BIG MISTAKE!

At first you do not log in every day. Just because you still are not so familiar with how it works. Then slowly you get to learn. Its like a malignant tumour. It grows very gradually but spreads rapidly and kills you in the end. An Online Social Network addiction tackles your life in more or less the same manner. At first its a like a hobby. Then the hobby turns into a sick addiction, and later a deadly disease.

Upon joining, you only have one or two friends on your list. But in less than a month the number rises to fifty or double that. You search for your ex boyfriend/girlfriend, your lost best friend from college/high school, that boy/girl who bullied you relentlessly at one particular time of your chikdhood , that boy/girl you had a serious crush on, your lost cousins....etc
You start judging your popularity by the number of friends you have on your friends' list. You think the more friends you have, the cooler and more popular you are. Seeing your worst enemy has more friends than you have, you start asking every Jack and Tom for friendship.
Your addiction is at its sickest point when you start carrying your camera where ever you go with an aim of taking pictures that you can post on these wretched networks. Once the photos are uploaded,you start acting as if everyone on your friend's list owes you a flattering comment.
Suddenly your whole life is all about Facebook or Hi-5 or Bebo. The addiction haunts your dreams and controls your moods. Its just notoriously pathetic!
Soon you are no longer just addicted. You are diseased! In a twitch of an eye the addiction has become a disease which is negatively affecting your everyday life. You are always late for work, you are forever scorching pots, nothing seems more interesting than stalking ordinary citizens of planet facebook.
Before you know it, you have mutated into a crazy an online alien. The transformation back into human is almost impossible after this happens.

Do not let Online Social Networks control your lives. Once you realise your life is being affected negatively, its time to call it quits!

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