Friday, January 20, 2012

Women's Muffled Cry for Freedom of Dressing - Malawi

I've always wondered, this book called the Holy Bible, how relevant is it? And whatever is written in it, does it truly convey a significant message from the mighty one above to us? What about the people responsible for its existence, the people who wrote this bible, how exactly holy were they? I know I'm dangerously treading on a thin line of blasphemy here, but when the world hides behind the word of God to promote or justify violence, or any other savage rotten behavior, bad things happen. Very bad things! Which cause my soul some serious sores. And when that occurs, I am forced to doubt even the existence of the mighty one above. Recently in the Republic of Malawi, irate street vendors have been on a vicious frenzy, stripping off women seen in town clad in pants, leggings or mini skirts, claiming the word of God advises against such type of dressing. Really, the word of God? What a load of maggot infested bulldung! As far as my bible knowledge goes, as rudimentary as it is, I know for sure that when man and woman were put in that marvelous garden of Eden, they were blissfully and explicitly nude. Unaware that such thing as clothing existed. No one gave a damn. Or a flying scrotum. All was well until the corky snake came into the scene. Filled man's mind with nonsense that eventually paved his downfall. You see, that clearly spells it out loud: "The idea of covering up definitely wasn't God's!" Man single-handedly created clothes and made rules about which sex wore what. God had nothing to do with it! Absolutely! Now I wonder, what does it take for humans to understand that this is a free world? A sign in the clear blue sky written in indelible ink? When will we learn to respect each other's choices - whether that of dressing or beliefs? If a certain idiot of a woman wants to strut half naked around the streets for all and sundry to see, what concern is it of ours? I think what vendors in Malawi are doing is purely disgusting! Not to mention barbaric and unacceptable!! How come they don't strip off men who wear pants down their black butts, or the ones who walk around shirtless? I'm seriously pissed off!

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