Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life, Reproduction and Fractions

There's only one problem in life. One BIG strife. It's called LIFE! There's always something to moan about. Something to groan and shed a tear for. A human heart is a hive of so much hurt. A shelter of distress. Being alive certainly is one costly business! It's a total mess!! And why am I moaning again? Well, my six year old son brought from school fractions for his maths homework today. I almost cried when I saw it. Why me? As a school going kid, maths had always been my worst subject. An epitome of hell! I still wet my pants when I come across certain horrific figures in my everyday life. Given a choice between maths and death, I'd smilingly go for the latter. That's how bad it is! So yeah, this little man of mine needed my help with the bloody fractions. My help! I tried my damnest best not to cry. Or wet my pants. I realized "fractions" is what happens when one is daft enough to disrespect the power of birth control. Oh yes, REPRODUCTION; another bigger problem on top of a big problem! You are f**** the moment you exit the womb to face the world. Totally f****! And when you reproduce... Oh dear, let's not even go there. It's almost like selling your soul to the devil, going through the reproduction process. You get this little lovely clone of yours and be forever enslaved. For the rest of your life you'll get to do things you have no desire to do and moan endlessly about it. Yes! Life, it brings all sorts of troubles...on top of trouble...all sorts of heartbreaks and heartaches... Life also brings reproduction and fractions...

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