Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Malawian Woman Murdered in Ireland

Nearly eight years ago, a bin bag containing badly dicomposed body parts of a woman was discovered floating in a small river in Kilkenny, Ireland. The postmortem examination revealed the body parts to be that of a Malawian mother of two, Paiche Unyoro, who'd come to Ireland as an asylum seeker. A murder investigation was followed but no one came forward with sufficient evidence for police to convict anyone. Her murderer is still around somewhere freely consumning earth's sweet oxygen. Life is brutal! On Saturday, the 28th of January 2012, a body of a woman was found in a carrier bag in Dublin, Ireland. A postmortem examination confirmed the body to be that of Rudo Mawera, a college student from Malawi who came to Ireland two years ago. Asphyxiation is believed to have caused her premature death. Police in Dublin are still investigating, what they believe could possibly be murder, and are arguing anyone with any information to come forward. Why why why?

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