Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Heart of Darkness

A few pages into Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, I now clearly understand why Chinua Achebe lost it and called the white creature a "bloody racist"! Something very disturbing happened this morning. My husband, who dislikes tennis with a rare passionate conviction, woke up at 6am to watch the OZ Open men's final with me. Seriously, I can't decipher that! Talk about one of life's eerie episodes! And to make it worse, the guy cracked his larynx cheering for Nadal - a player he loves to loath. Tell me I'm wrong to find his behavior indecipherably alien? The guy is obviously hiding something. Or up to something... And just as I was about to get used to my husband's sudden interest in tennis, my sister, another anti tennis creature, sends me one of the strangest texts she's ever sent me in my entire life. It reads: "Go Nadal!" Now I've lost the will to live!!! Human beings are strange creatures!

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