Monday, January 30, 2012

A Sad Suitcase Case

Following the heartbreaking news of a Malawian young woman who recently got murdered in Dublin, so many of my friends back home in Africa (whom I haven't heard from in years) have contacted me claiming to have missed me. Really? It's obvious they just wanted to make sure the dead body found bundled in a suitcase in the city of Dublin wasn't mine. Of course it wasn't mine! The fact that I'm scribbling this here is proof enough that I'm still breathing. As I mentioned in my earlier blog post today, the body of the deceased was identified as that of Rudo Mawere from Malawi. Rudo came to Ireland two years ago to do her third level education, and was sharing an apartment with another Malawian girl in Rathmines, Dublin. Prior to the news of her death, I never knew or imagined Rudo existed. But weirdly, perhaps ironically, the Zimbabwean guy whom speculations believe to have been her boyfriend visited my house just before Christmas last year. I had heard my husband, who also originates from Zim, mentioning his name once or twice, but had never met the guy prior to that visit. It was my first time ever seeing his face. He looked more Somalian rather than Zimbabwean - with a sharp pointy nose, soft chocolate skin, and short spiky hair that lay flat on his head. I pointed that out (that he looked more like Nani who plays for Man U than my husband and his ilk) to him and he laughed admitting that most people say so. His Shona was fluent, though. I couldn't fault it. So yeah, this guy who is now the centre of a huge controversy, actually was in my house at one point. Yes, my house! He came with two friends of his whom I've known for a long time to drop my husband off from work. They ended up staying for dinner and a drink or two. The kids were away on the day and we had every reason to get drunk and retire to bed late. After all it was festive season! Every excuse to abuse Jesus'juice!! This guy didn't drink, though. So we got him a big bottle of coca cola instead. When I asked him why he didn't drink, he told me he'd quit anything unholy in favor of the holy a couple of years before. And anything "unholy" included the consumption of alcoholic beverages. We talked and laughed. We also discussed my published book, Insanity Resides on Facebook. I gave him a copy and he told me he would read it and give me a constructive critical analysis after. Frankly, he looked like any other normal human being. A bit too layed back, maybe. In retrospect, I think there was that something buried deep in him that raised an alarm of questions in my head. Something I couldn't place or point a finger on, but definitely could smell. Something that just didn't fit... Something that somehow crashed with his whole cool outward look. I got curious and started bombarding him with questions. Mad questions. He told me he'd just arrived in Ireland from the UK when he met my husband in the streets of Dublin. He didn't have money, or a place to stay then and my husband helped him get a job and later introduced him to another guy who gave him a place to stay temporarily till he got on his feet. I asked him if he had a Facebook or twitter account, and he told me he had ditched both social networks due to some cloying girl issues. I asked him if he was single and he said he was. (Which I now realize was a blatant lie). Anyhow, our night eventually came to an end, just like nights always do. Our visitors hit the road to Dublin (which is about 30 miles from where we live) and my husband and I went to bed. The last words I exchanged with the guy in question were: "Goobye! it was nice meeting you. Next time you visit I'll have a nice girl for a girlfriend for you." The guy has sailed with the wind now. Both his phones have been switched off since Saturday - the day the murder is believed to have taken place. I wholeheartedly hope he isn't somewhere lying lifeless too!

Another Malawian Woman Murdered in Ireland

Nearly eight years ago, a bin bag containing badly dicomposed body parts of a woman was discovered floating in a small river in Kilkenny, Ireland. The postmortem examination revealed the body parts to be that of a Malawian mother of two, Paiche Unyoro, who'd come to Ireland as an asylum seeker. A murder investigation was followed but no one came forward with sufficient evidence for police to convict anyone. Her murderer is still around somewhere freely consumning earth's sweet oxygen. Life is brutal! On Saturday, the 28th of January 2012, a body of a woman was found in a carrier bag in Dublin, Ireland. A postmortem examination confirmed the body to be that of Rudo Mawera, a college student from Malawi who came to Ireland two years ago. Asphyxiation is believed to have caused her premature death. Police in Dublin are still investigating, what they believe could possibly be murder, and are arguing anyone with any information to come forward. Why why why?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Djokovic mutilates Nadal

Well, what else is there to say? I guess Nadal is not destined to win the OZ Open! HURT!

The Heart of Darkness

A few pages into Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, I now clearly understand why Chinua Achebe lost it and called the white creature a "bloody racist"! Something very disturbing happened this morning. My husband, who dislikes tennis with a rare passionate conviction, woke up at 6am to watch the OZ Open men's final with me. Seriously, I can't decipher that! Talk about one of life's eerie episodes! And to make it worse, the guy cracked his larynx cheering for Nadal - a player he loves to loath. Tell me I'm wrong to find his behavior indecipherably alien? The guy is obviously hiding something. Or up to something... And just as I was about to get used to my husband's sudden interest in tennis, my sister, another anti tennis creature, sends me one of the strangest texts she's ever sent me in my entire life. It reads: "Go Nadal!" Now I've lost the will to live!!! Human beings are strange creatures!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vika downs MaSha in Straight sets - Australian Open 12 Final

After fourteen days of grueling slamming, the Australian Open tornarment has finally come to a finish. Sadly! Of course the men's final still has to be played, but that's just a slumber away. Millions today saw Victoria Azarenka proudly lift her maiden Grand slam at the starstudded Rod Laver arena, in Melbourne, Australia. Azarenka, the world number two soon to be number one, overcame her past demons to beat former world number one and champion, Maria Sharapova, in demoralizing straight sets. It was just unbelievable! Maria, with an advantage of experience, was the bookies favourite to win. I guess sometimes things don't turn out as expected. Azarenka went into the final knowing she had nothing to lose. She played her most perfect tennis and deserved the triumph! I'm not Azarenka's biggest fan, but today I have to swallow whatever differences I have with her, and complement her for a job marvelously done without a slight trace of jealous or sarcasm. **I still have to see a great tennis star who emits so much class the way Maria Sharapova does... She is absolutely stunning! The women's final done, men's one yet to be seen...

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Descendants

Just watched George Clooney in one of his most outstanding performances! The Descendants is way up there... Incomparable! Doubtlessly Academy award deserving!!! **Isn't it creepy how some people still possess the power to ruin our lives even from beyond the sepulchre? Oz ladies final tomorrow. Vic Azarenka vs Maria Sharapova. I can't contain the excitement!
Andy "SpoiltBritBrat" Murray still has a great deal of growing to be done before he "slams" it! Novak Djokovic will have one giant of a shindig at Rod Laver today - mulling Murray into muck!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Social Networks!!

Fesibuku (Facebook) ndi ya anthu amatama. That's why I deactivated my account forever! Just couldn't stomach all the crappy showing off that takes place on it!!! Human beings are just a bunch of useless showoffs! Mxiii! I'm sick of this shite called life!
How come they call it goobye... How come the good go? How come they call it love When it hurts?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life, Reproduction and Fractions

There's only one problem in life. One BIG strife. It's called LIFE! There's always something to moan about. Something to groan and shed a tear for. A human heart is a hive of so much hurt. A shelter of distress. Being alive certainly is one costly business! It's a total mess!! And why am I moaning again? Well, my six year old son brought from school fractions for his maths homework today. I almost cried when I saw it. Why me? As a school going kid, maths had always been my worst subject. An epitome of hell! I still wet my pants when I come across certain horrific figures in my everyday life. Given a choice between maths and death, I'd smilingly go for the latter. That's how bad it is! So yeah, this little man of mine needed my help with the bloody fractions. My help! I tried my damnest best not to cry. Or wet my pants. I realized "fractions" is what happens when one is daft enough to disrespect the power of birth control. Oh yes, REPRODUCTION; another bigger problem on top of a big problem! You are f**** the moment you exit the womb to face the world. Totally f****! And when you reproduce... Oh dear, let's not even go there. It's almost like selling your soul to the devil, going through the reproduction process. You get this little lovely clone of yours and be forever enslaved. For the rest of your life you'll get to do things you have no desire to do and moan endlessly about it. Yes! Life, it brings all sorts of troubles...on top of trouble...all sorts of heartbreaks and heartaches... Life also brings reproduction and fractions...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kvitova - The One to Beat!

With Serena Williams out of the Australian Open 2012, Petra Kvitova remains the only one with sufficient guts to claim the most coveted title. No no, actually, rephrase that; the Czech left hander will dominate women's tennis for a long time to come. She is IT!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Love for Serena Williams!

What exactly is love? And when does it occur? How does one know precisely when they have fallen in love? What is this ache deep in my heart that I feel for Serena Williams - Someone I hardly even know? How come my soul smiles with a conviction whenever I see her face in a pic? How come all makes sense when I think of her?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Women's Muffled Cry for Freedom of Dressing - Malawi

I've always wondered, this book called the Holy Bible, how relevant is it? And whatever is written in it, does it truly convey a significant message from the mighty one above to us? What about the people responsible for its existence, the people who wrote this bible, how exactly holy were they? I know I'm dangerously treading on a thin line of blasphemy here, but when the world hides behind the word of God to promote or justify violence, or any other savage rotten behavior, bad things happen. Very bad things! Which cause my soul some serious sores. And when that occurs, I am forced to doubt even the existence of the mighty one above. Recently in the Republic of Malawi, irate street vendors have been on a vicious frenzy, stripping off women seen in town clad in pants, leggings or mini skirts, claiming the word of God advises against such type of dressing. Really, the word of God? What a load of maggot infested bulldung! As far as my bible knowledge goes, as rudimentary as it is, I know for sure that when man and woman were put in that marvelous garden of Eden, they were blissfully and explicitly nude. Unaware that such thing as clothing existed. No one gave a damn. Or a flying scrotum. All was well until the corky snake came into the scene. Filled man's mind with nonsense that eventually paved his downfall. You see, that clearly spells it out loud: "The idea of covering up definitely wasn't God's!" Man single-handedly created clothes and made rules about which sex wore what. God had nothing to do with it! Absolutely! Now I wonder, what does it take for humans to understand that this is a free world? A sign in the clear blue sky written in indelible ink? When will we learn to respect each other's choices - whether that of dressing or beliefs? If a certain idiot of a woman wants to strut half naked around the streets for all and sundry to see, what concern is it of ours? I think what vendors in Malawi are doing is purely disgusting! Not to mention barbaric and unacceptable!! How come they don't strip off men who wear pants down their black butts, or the ones who walk around shirtless? I'm seriously pissed off!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Australian Open Day 4

All is fair in Love, War and Tennis! With week one of Australian Open is almost finished, so much has happened on the courts. We've seen a number of excellent matches, and said goodbye to a few excellent players. It is survival of the fittest! Who's robust enough to get to week two? Shock exit of the day: Andy Roddick :(

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Australian Open Day 3

So the first slam of the year slams on. Roger Federer got a free ride into third round after his opponent withdrew from the tournament due to back injury. Lucky Roger! Raphael Nadal, unlike his Swiss rival, wasn't so lucky. He had to sweat for his place in the third round. The women's defending champion, Kim Clijsters, also progressed with ease. Shock exit of the day: Francesca Schiovone :(

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Australian Open Day 2

There's nothing as nerve wrecking as waiting for Serena William's opening match in a Grand Slam! It's serious!! Today I withstood and sacrificed so much to get a glimpse of my favourite player in action, for the first time since September 2011, on the historical Rod Laver Arena. Lord was I nervous! Serena seemed a bit rusty at first I couldn't banish stressful thoughts of her becoming the first casualty. That almost drove me mad! But like a true champ Serena is, all was overcome in 79 minutes. And I'm smiling again! Novak Djokovic is on a difficult quest to defend his title. He played his opening match so fantastically it's hard to imagine anyone outplaying him. Maria Sharapova is back with some heartwreching fierceness. I keep drooling watching her hit that tiny ball... Waiting for her second round match will be pure torture! Shock exit of the day: Sam Stosur :(

Monday, January 16, 2012

Australian Tennis Open Day 1

The first tennis Grand Slam of the year has slammed off with a reverberating bang in Melbourne, Australia. Magnificent!!! The race to the title is this year tight. Who has the stamina to win it? Serena Williams of course :) (If only there wasn't a little dangerous thorn called Kim Clijsters in her way) and Rafael Nadal... (hope he's gathered plenty of cheekiness to down The Feds). All speculated, said and done, British tennis remains a heartbreaking humiliation! Especially women's!! The melancholy news today is about how five British women tennis players got unfashionably toppled in their opening matches. All five! Damn!!! That's it. Sport has failed Britain! No 'five' ways about it... Shock exit of the day: Daveydenko!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear Mark Zuckerberg, if you are as smart as earth assumes you are, then please invent a Button that unsends already sent mail. Australian tennis open slams off in Melbourne tomorrow night. Am I excited? Not as much. Why? Because I still have to pay for my tv satellite to be able to watch it. The problem is; I'm broke to the bone. But whatever happens, I'm still going to follow matches online. I hope Serena wins it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blue Ivy - Destiny's fulfillment.

"Jay Z's child with a child from destiny's child!" Fo real destiny's been fulfilled. *Glory* says it all! This time I got the name right!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ivy Blue Carter-Knowles!

At long last, Beyonce and Jay Z's most awaited bambino has arrived! Earth gives a resounding long sigh of relief!! So it is a girl - A little chick. How cute! But how??? Help me understand... The way Jay Z emits so much masculinity, I'd expected a strong male heir, or twins for his first born. I guess looks can be deceiving... As it has turned out. And what a choice of name; Ivy Blue? I like it. But I'm not sure I'm head-over-heels in love with it. I thought something weird and exotic like "Cocoa" or "Kiwi" would be ideal for the couple's first born... Well, Ivy Blue is still cute, I guess! Congratulations to B and Jay Z. At least they've proved they are having sex :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012


My dreams get eerier with each slumber. They are so vividly clear I'm beginning to confuse them with reality. What is real, and isn't? What distinguishes dreams and fantasies from reality? I don't think I know anymore! Sometimes I'm petrified to even close my eyes... *The invisibles are every where* Last night I saw feet. Only feet. No body, head nor limbs. Just a pair of feet. They were having a leisurely stroll around my bedroom. I couldn't tell whether they were human feet or some animal's. But there was a strong feel and smell of humanity in the sound and pattern of their steps. It was frighteningly overpowering! When I tell my friends about these paranormal activities that occur in my sleep, they don't believe me. They think it's all a farfetched, horrific fantasy. To them I'm that human being who is so immensely creative I can make up anything and get anyone to believe it. I wish my creativity was stretched to that imaginative superability and originality! But my husband believes me. The other night he stayed awake just to record a video of me sleeping. I think the invisibles were around then. My head was jerking vigorously every other minute, and at one point I screamed out loud. Hubby is convinced my soul is engulfed by some demonic creatures and prays for me every day. Is it, really? Oh, how I wish I believed in demons... *perhaps I'm playing too much of Angry Birds**

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Farewell 2011!

So year 2011 truly passed away... Gone forever... And EVER! Never to be known again. It's still very hard to believe! Last night I sat down and asked myself this: "What if I were given a chance to turn the clock three days back, what would I change?" Perhaps you've all asked yourselves the very same question... Well, I don't know about you, but for me, given that chance, I'd probably go mental trying to figure out what to change and what not to... In the end, I would without a doubt end up not changing a thing. To be frank, I've learnt so much from the deceased year... I'd publish a book given a chance to put everything down. -I've learnt that there's truly a delicate line between love and hate... That it only takes a split of a second to cross over to the other side of either emotion. And when that happens,(especially if the cross over is from the former emotion to the latter) the best thing to do is to focus on what brought the love in the first place, not the hatred. -I've learnt that its part of being human to hurt other humans. Sometimes it's the ones we love the most we badly hurt. Or vice-versa. Whether the hurt happens intentionally, or unintentionally, the most important thing to do is to learn from our mistakes and accept responsibility for the pain caused. -I've learnt that the first step to true happiness and contentment is to appreciate what we have right there and then. The past passed away, and the future is yet to be conceived. Nothing matters but right now! -I've learnt that at one time or another, we all have to say Goodbye. It hurts, but the pain dulls down with time. -I've learnt that sometimes you have to lose in-order to appreciate a win next time. -I've learnt that the past is irrelevant yet essential since life's best and most valuable lessons are learned from it. -And most importantly, I've learnt to smile through my troubles and tribulations. For I know they always come to pass! Life is not that serious. Make mistakes, cry when all seems to be a mess, learn from the experience and strut on with your existence. After some time, make more mistakes and keep learning! So long, 2011!