Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey G,

It's Friday today, and as usual earth is producing an overpowering scent of ecstasy that's intoxicating even the most innocent of souls. Except mine.
I never look forward to Fridays. In fact, I hate them. Not exactly with passion, but hate is hate.
This day that everyone seems to get so excited over is my busiest day at work. My boss makes it his mission to put a frown on my forehead by giving me an ocean to do. Sometimes I feel like he wants to drive me into committing suicide just for the fun of it. For example, today I left home at 5am, minus breakfast. Really, who goes to go work at that hour? I only had my lunch at 2pm. Imagine? Right now I'm in the office loo faking a running tummy. I'm sick of this place! I need to go home and see my boys. Haven't seen them since 9pm last night. Now its almost 6pm. If I were to conk out in this toilet, this minute, of tiredness and anger, the last memory my kids would have of their mum is her sloshed and asleep on the couch. Not impressive, is it? I saw my husband though. As usual he was awake watching me get ready from the comfort of the blanket and thanking the stars that it wasn't him suffering. And just like every other Friday, he asked again why I spend so much time getting ready...and like always I threw a towel at him.
My other reason for not liking Friday has a lot to do with other human beings - their routined excitement - the "TGIF" phrase...oh yes, especially the phrase! People have abused it to it's grave, and even now that it's dead, they're still abusing it. I'm sick of it!

Today's fact:

There is never a perfect ending. In other words, every ending is an anticlimax!

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