Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hey G,

I'm thinking "The Fall of The Feds" as the title for this blog after what happened at Rod Laver this morning. I don't know if it would be appropriate...
Today the almighty Roger Federer was again shown how it feels like to lose a match in humiliating straight sets in front of thousands of loyal fans in Melbourne. Novak Djokovic, the world number three, is the man who made it his business to stop the Swiss from snatching yet another slam.
But does the epic hammering thats taken place really mark the beginning of the end for the Feds as the tennis god?

Anyway, whatever happens to the once almighty Swiss in the later coming tennis tournaments, I now know for a fact that every little thing that flies has to land one day! No one is invincible!

The sport columns are full of bitter titles like; *Federer brutally hammered by the young Serb, Novak Djokovic, in the semi final of Australian Open 2011!* Crazy, right? It's always been the other way round...
And no, I refuse to talk about what happened to Raphael Nadal...for personal reasons...
So It looks like it's going to be Djokovic against Andy Murray on Sunday night at Rod Laver...that is, If the Brit manages to swing past David Ferrer.

Women's tennis is another huge disappointment. Aaaaargh! No need to waste space writing about amateurs and slamless world number ones...


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fashion felonies at the AUS open.

I'm dog tired from self sleep-starvation so I won't stay long here.
But to digress a bit, have you ever thought of why we use the expression "dog tired"? Why not "cat tired", or "rat tired"?
I think everyone should be allowed to put an animal of their preference before the adjective TIRED in the expression. Freedom of speech, right?

Quite a number of blood baths today in Melbourne where the first of the tennis slams is taking place. The normally speedy Feds Express almost got halted, The tennis supermodel screamed her sexy self into third round. But the highlight of the day was Venus Williams unforgiveable fashion felony. *smh* I can not find the right English word that gives the peculiarity of what Miss Williams was clad in its essence. My hubby, whom I diagnosed of severe "blindness" myself, even noticed and commented on the attire. As for me, I'll probably need quite a good number of lifetimes to get over the mental and emotional disturbance that the dress has caused me.

Quote of the day:

"Don't sweat small's just small stuff." Richard Carlson (1997).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It sucks I can't talk to you!
Especially now that I'm itching to share with you this great news of a B.A becoming a parent.
Yes, a B.A, your partner in "socket" movement.
He's finally reproduced...a little lad.
The man of God was having sex after all. Unbelievable! Lol.
Anyway, It's your responsibility to turn this little lad into an excellent "socketer".
Really, how does one erase a big chunk of yesterday from their memory without murdering the hippocampus?
And the bad news is, I still have a couple of decades till my mental disorder becomes full blown Alzheimer's disease. Till then I'll have to make do with dramatic monologue:)

Today's fact:

Missing someone has never been a crime!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hey G,

Melbourne started beautifully last night. No casualties, no weather disruptions.
I'm more excited about this year's grand slams than ever before. My plan is to enjoy each and every one of them as much as possible in case the world truly ends next year:) Damn, I'm so not looking forward to going to heaven. Oops, hell, I meant to say. Hubby reminds me every day about how scary earth has become. Global recession, floods, dead birds falling from the sky etc. He's convinced all mentioned are true signs of imminent doom.
Anyway, whatever shall be, shall be!

Back to Melbourne, Maria Sharapova eased through to the second round. It seems she's upped her game, as well as put more volume to her grunts. If I'm not mistaken, I think last night the famous grunts broke a new record. They were a little bit beyond their usual 102 decibels. A sign of danger from Maria. The louder the grunts get, the more agressive she becomes.
Apart from the loud grunts that almost deafened my soul, the former world number one looked good to chow as usual. Immaculate should be the word. I didn't really fancy her dress, though. I thought the orange part didnt really mingle with the ash colour, therefore robbed the dress most of it's beauty. But well, she still looked good, that's all that matters.
Venus Williams also made it to the to the second round gracefully. And how over-the-top she looked in that sexy blue dress! She's for real fast becoming a fashionable force to reckon, this older Miss Williams. I find myself looking forward to seeing what she'd be wearing next.
In mens the Feds didn't waste time upsetting his opponent in straight sets. The dashing Americano And Roddick also progressed to the second round. But my highlight of the night was Gael Monfils coming back from two sets down to win his opening match. His opponent must be seriously depressed right now. In women's, Former champion Justine Henin also came back from a brink of defeat against Sania Mirza of India. Francesca Schiovone also defied fate.

Tonight Raphael Nadal, Jo-Wilfred Tsonga, Kim Clijsters, Dinara Safina and Jelena Jankovic all in action.

Today's fact:

Human beings were better off as small-brained apes. Evolution messed earth up in the most frightening way!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

If you are a man, bearded and breastless, but you dislike any sort of sport and live for pop music, there's a very fat chance that you "like" other men - you are what the modern world calls "gay", "homosexual". No need to go all suicidal now, just come out of the closet and start living your life. It's no criminal offence to be different.
If you are a woman, bearded and breastless, extremely excellent at sport, with an obsession for rock music, follow the advice above.

Finally Melbourne begins today at midnight. Yay!
The tennis goddess, Maria Sharapova will open play at Rod Laver arena in exactly seven hours from now.
This year I don't really have a favourite from the womens side since Serena is out. But I'll be cheering for V a great deal. You could say she is my favourite, I guess, but I know she won't win. V, unlike her younger sister, has never been successful in Australia. Anyhow, I have no qualms on who wins it at the end of the day. In mens I'm rooting for Rafa :) as usual. My heart wants Djokovic to shine, but my mind knows Rafa isn't done shining yet. All in all, I anticipate fourteen full days of merriment!

Today's lesson:

Never shy away from being different:)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey G,

It's Friday today, and as usual earth is producing an overpowering scent of ecstasy that's intoxicating even the most innocent of souls. Except mine.
I never look forward to Fridays. In fact, I hate them. Not exactly with passion, but hate is hate.
This day that everyone seems to get so excited over is my busiest day at work. My boss makes it his mission to put a frown on my forehead by giving me an ocean to do. Sometimes I feel like he wants to drive me into committing suicide just for the fun of it. For example, today I left home at 5am, minus breakfast. Really, who goes to go work at that hour? I only had my lunch at 2pm. Imagine? Right now I'm in the office loo faking a running tummy. I'm sick of this place! I need to go home and see my boys. Haven't seen them since 9pm last night. Now its almost 6pm. If I were to conk out in this toilet, this minute, of tiredness and anger, the last memory my kids would have of their mum is her sloshed and asleep on the couch. Not impressive, is it? I saw my husband though. As usual he was awake watching me get ready from the comfort of the blanket and thanking the stars that it wasn't him suffering. And just like every other Friday, he asked again why I spend so much time getting ready...and like always I threw a towel at him.
My other reason for not liking Friday has a lot to do with other human beings - their routined excitement - the "TGIF" phrase...oh yes, especially the phrase! People have abused it to it's grave, and even now that it's dead, they're still abusing it. I'm sick of it!

Today's fact:

There is never a perfect ending. In other words, every ending is an anticlimax!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A fact I learnt yesterday:

- Men never refuse sex! Ever. Even on their death bed, they'd trade in their last breath for a lousy romp. #pathetic

*I've only found out that Serena Williams is not going to defend her championship at Melbourne next week. I'm so fuming mad at her! Just yesterday she was at a karaoke having a jolly jive, now she says her foot is still not yet perfect to play tennis. She's full of fibs, the little Miss Williams. The tabloids think she's been under a knife... I also thought she looked really weird when she came to cheer for Venus at the US open last year. Seriously, earth isn't at all ready for another Wacko Jacko!
But hey, Serena can lazy around, whatever kind of shenanigans she's up to, I don't think I give a damn any more.
I'll still go into a two week sleep deprivation and ardently watch V, Kim, MaSha, and Justine battle it out:)
I'll still have a hell of a great time even without her!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anfield's sinking Ship.

King Kenny, Liverpool FC's newest, most revered manager, the one every one believes is going to change the ill fate at Anfield today failed his first test.
That must hurt...
I wouldn't swap places with him for the universe!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hey G,
This year, I wanna hit a target of 366 blogs. When all comes to an end on 01/01/12, I should've purged all my inner troubles.
So I'm gonna be really stingy with my insanity from now onwards.

Year 2010 taught me one very important lesson: THE PAST IS INSIGNIFICANT!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Really G, some creatures have no business putting a tune together!
Hubby is in the kitchen singing a wayward, off-key version of Aretha Franklin's "Say a little prayer". Not only is the singing criminal, but also an insult of apocalyptic nature to my eardrums. Arrgggh!

Ok, lets forget about hubby's attempt to commit a musical homicide, let me enlighten you about this friend of mine thats been missing in my life for like forever. Ethel Mumba, her name. After seven solid years of endless, extensive search for her, my primary school partner in destructive behavior, I finally found her. Ok, she found me. Lord am I so glad!
Ethel and myself come a very long way. We used to be naughty together. Back in the hood. A lethal pair, we were. Our last communication was seven years ago. Then the long, defeaning silence... But thank heaven for Google. Ethel and I found each other again.
I'm a smiling bunny! If only that man I married would stop singing...aaargggh!

Tell me G, don't you find it unpleasant when people who are fully literate spell your name wrongly? Well, I do. Apart from the entities that print my bills and summons and a few human beings, everyone else I know spells this palindrome name I had no consent in being given askew. They omit the "h" at the end, and I'm afraid that makes the name look naked. It's like stripping it off...
Hannah, that's the correct spelling:)

Damn, hubby's still singing. My ear drums are now losing patience:(

Talking about music, I'm reading Nick Hornby's High Fidelity and not pleased at all to admit that us pop and soul music lovers are the unhappiest souls. Even Hornby isn't sure whether it's the sad choice of music we have that makes us unhappy, or if we were just born that way - unhappy...
I don't know, G. But what I do know is, like Hornby points it out, I have been listening to these sad songs longer than I've been living the unhappy life. So it all comes back to the people responsible for my existence here on earth, mum and dad. All this unhappiness is their fault. I think as a foetus I was constantly exposed to the likes of Marvin Gaye, Barry White etc and my emotions were deformed for life.

Just look at my top 5 songs of all time below. Sad indeed!

5. One more try - George Michael.
4. Many Rivers to cross - UB40.
3. Rock me Tonight - Freddie Jackson.
2. Love ain't here anymore - Take That.
1. Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye.

So now you know why I am profoundly, and irreversibly messed up emotionally!
Thanks a lot mum and dad! Actually, there is no need to be formal here, I'll use your names. I'm entitled to be disrespectful after all the damage you did to my soul. So yeah, Susan and Houston, thank you!

I hear Chelsea won 7-0 against Ipswch today. Well, I still haven't forgiven it for the humiliation at the premier. But this win at least thaws me a bit.
Have you ever thought of what happened to the child star Tevin Campbell?
Hubby is strangling his "can we talk" as I'm typing this...
I give up!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Big Green Eyed Beast.


Also known as the Green eyed Monster.
The most destructive of all emotions.

It gnaws at your soul.
Eats you up the way merciless termites would the weakest wood.


The source of all misery.
It strikes the low self-esteemed, the insecure creatures.
Preventing them from being truly happy.

*I'm glad all I have to deal with in this life is my mental illness, and not the beast with green eyes*


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The first day back to reality after the festives is always abnormally dry. But today felt the driest of all the years. Drier than the first day I went back to school after my parents' funerals...It's the ugliest, emptiest, loneliest feeling!
Well, I'm experiencing what the world calls festive withdrawal symptoms. I must have had an overdose of fun over the past fourteen day. Oh yes, I did. For once I let go of my dignity and morals and just enjoyed. And it felt so damned good!

So yeah, brand new year, old same self. What a combination!
I've never been the one to waste time on new year's resolution. I believe improvements in life should be made everyday. For those obsessed with change, that is. So far my own life hasn't any from for improvement. I'm quite happy where I am. And satisfied with the little I have.

Melbourne begins on the 17th of this month. I'm getting an adrenalin rush already thinking of those little green balls and rackets. It's going to be so exciting seeing Serena Williams back on that hard court after what feels like forever. Hope Miss Henin is in good form to give the invincible younger Williams a marathon for her crown.
The only thing I have to worry about now is figuring out how I'm going to balance work, books, marriage, kids, laundry, twitter and tennis without cracking...

Happy New Year!!!!