Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The nature of friendship.

This morning, I got another email from this buddy of mine that wants to get in my pants. Maybe "ex buddy" would be more appropriate, watcha think?
Title: "wakwiyadi eti"
Body: "ndiye zako izotu ung'omboka ngati ukuganiza kuti ndipepesa. I can never apologize for being truthful about my feelings. That's just the way it is."

Seriously, I have no time for mentally disturbed creatures. Nor have I energy to waste replying to their even crazier emails. As far as I know, me and this guy are no longer friends. I will never talk to him again. Call me childish, but he crossed a dangerously disrespectful line here. How am I supposed to be still friends with him when I know all he wants to do is shove the snake in his pants in my private parts? How can I ever trust him again?
Friendship is one thin thread that can be snipped off in less than a tick of a second.

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