Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hell on earth.

Do our life styles really determine the way we're gonna die?
Like chain smokers, do they all die of lung cancer?
What about "mbiyang'ambes, is it always liver scelorsus that claims their last intake of oxygen?

Lately, my mind has been occupied with thoughts of Paiche Unyolo, the Malawian young lady who was brutally murdered in Co. Kilkenny, Ireland in 2004. Her headless decomposing body wrapped in bin bags was found floating in a river by two women who were leisurely taking a walk.
Six years later, her murderer is still on the loose, and her head is still yet to be found.

I did not know Paiche, nor had I ever heard of her prior to her sad death, but my spine gets serious chills every time I think of what she must have gone through in her last minutes of life.
Whether she was a drug dealer, lap dancer, or a sex seller, she still did not deserve to go that way. Nobody should ever go that way.

I hope Paiche rests in eternal peace!

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