Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Argentina, kapena Brazil kungowina world cup this year, ine basi mpira sindidzaonelanso.
I hate the two teams above with....kodi ndigwiritse ntchito chichewa chake chiti kuti zimveke bwino bwino? Ok, I hate Argentina and Brazil with acidic detestation!! And cock head Diego Maradona, aarrrgh, just makes me SICK!

Ghana tiyeni! Chikho chathu chimenechi.
If not you, then Netherlands.

Lero ndiye eeish, tsiku latalika zedi. No footie, ndinangokhala kumamela mizu pampando. Ok, ng'ibukile a bit of men's tennis, but it wasnt that much fun. Roger Federer is out. Unbelievable! I guess this is really the beginning of the end for the 15-times-grandslammer.
Venus the grass queen was also stunned by the number 82nd seed. I wasnt at all impressed.
Komabe its not the end. Serena is still very much in it.
She is on court tomorrow against this new russian babe. Forgot her name, and I'm too lazy to google her. Kaya, she is not even in the top 100 ndiye akagwele!

Basi ndalemba kokwanila. Ndikagone tsopano. Koma eeish, not looking forward to going to bed. There is a new addition in the family, ndiye sikulira kwake. The whole night, kwe, kweee, kweee..kungobadwa ndi ufiti basi.
Zina inu timaziyamba dala..
Will upload photos of this new creature soon.
By the way, its another "HE". Ndiye you can imagine the testosterone in the house..
Ndilithawa banja

Monday, June 28, 2010


Have you ever looked forward to something so eagerly you thought the anticipation would kill you? I have. And it's poisonous to the soul.

You should all know by now that I am a tennis freak. I live for the Williams sisters.
Yeah, it's pathetic I know, living ones life for celebrities who don't even give a flying cow about you, but I can't help it.
Anyway, let me now tell you why I'm annoyed;
I had been looking forward to Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova fourth round Wimbledon battle that took place today since Friday. The way weekend dragged, I thought Monday was never gonna show it's magic face. But it did, and to my magnitude dismay, electricity decided to have one lengthy siesta just as soon as my anticipated match started showing on tv.
Boy was I enraged!

Anyhow, I'm still annoyed, but I hear Serena won the "Sharawill" battle in two sets. That at least brings some light to my foggy mood. The defending champion will meet Na Li (or is it Li Na? Chinese names, crazy!) in the quarters.
Venus also progressed to the last 8, and will have to dispatch kanepi for a place in the semis.
Kim Clijsters felt no mercy for her homegirl, Justine Henin, gifting her a good 6-3, 6-3 to become the victorious Belgian.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Golden Ghana!

I could explode with pride right now...
Wow, I say WOW...!
Living my life as if there is no tomorrow.
World cup, what will become of me when it's all over?

Ghana, the only African team still competing for the world cup, has just pulverised USA to reach the last eight of the gigantic football tournament. How unbelievably amazing is that, huh?
No one, not even ants gave Africa a chance. They all predicted DOOM, saying no African team was good enough to reach the last 16. And look at Ghana now? QUARTER FINAL! Yay!!!
Seeing the way the Americans played their first half, I think, like everybody else, they thought Ghana was going to be a walk over. What a miscalculation!

Well done Ghana!
Hope you go all the way....
Yeah, all the way!

*And at Wimbledon, Serena continues to injure egos..and aggressively. The Wimbledon reigning queen is such in an unforgiving form it's almost impossible to imagine anyone else besting her. Go Serena!
2morrow it's England vs German. I can't wait to see my Chelsea boys, Ashley Cole and John Terry at their defensive best.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bad History in the Making..

So as the entire planet earth had expected, as soothsayers had foretold, South Africa will for generations and generations to come be remembered for being the first world cup hosts to be knocked out in the first stage. Bad history has been made!
But surprisingly for me, unlike the rest of Africa that's drowning in disappointment, the host's failure to qualify to the next round hasn't at all injured my patriotic spirit. I'm still firmly and proudly behind all my African teams whether they produce a win or not. I will still support them even when they lose humiliatingly.

I was there in Bloemfontein watching Bafana skin France alive, and I must say, never in my entire life had I been more proud of my African heritage than at that particular moment! The tres gorgeous boys played their final match like veritable champions. They might not have qualified to the last 16, but they should still froth with pride for their robust attitude as a team.
Viva Bafana, viva vuvuzela, viva Africa!!!

Motherland's world cup woes.

Hey Graceful,

Hope you are good. I haven't been better, myself.
World cup 2010 progresses beautifully, but I'm afraid Africa's dream for the grand trophy is almost over.
Abysmally disappointing!
Week one of the biggest football tournament being compered in South Africa for the first time has given us a graphic vision of the lack of football tactics among Africans.
Out of the five teams from our beautiful motherland that qualified for the world cup, only one (Ghana) has a chance to get through to the last 16. I tell you, that the saddest news I have had to cope with in a long time.
What is wrong with our nation, really? Are we that bad at everything, or we just don't work hard enough?

Anyhow, South Africa will most likely kiss the championship goodbye this afternoon. It's playing against France, another sinking ship, and the odds aren't in it's favour.

So my fellow Africans, let's work on blinking the tears back and celebrate our shame.
Let's all unite, hold our thick heads the highest and rejoice in the making of bad history..

*Wimbledon is in full swing in Great Britain. Vuvuzela NOT ALLOWED. Ha ha.
Roger Federer dallied with an early exit, but being one great champion, he managed to bend fate. Serena is looking superchic in her little White dress with some pinkish stripe. And she is playing venomous tennis. I haven't seen what her older sister Venus is wearing, but I sincerely hope she has her knickers on this time*
Impressive news: South Africa is leading 1-0 against france in the first half..

Friday, June 18, 2010

"Living with Evil" by Cynthia Owen.

Some things that take place in this life are sometimes too disturbingly pungent a human mind is never sound enough to process and understand them.

After the humiliating defeats African teams have so far faced at the world cup and all the frustrations around, I decided to take solace in a good book. Yeah, reading is always therapeautic. But gosh, what I read implicitly chilled my spine. It actually made me sick!

"Living with Evil", the title of the book, is a shockingly true story of an innocent little girl growing up in a badly disoriented home. Cynthia is her name.
Cynthia's own father rapes and sodomises her every other night from the time she turns eight till she is 15. Her mother is a souless drunk. She brings different men in the house to have their wicked ways with poor Cynthia. She gets her drunk, feeds her drugs and verbally abuses her. Cynthia's witch of a mum also sexually abuses her. There is one time where she commands her to take off her knickers and violently licks her privates.
What kind of sick mother would do that to her own child, her own flesh and blood?
At a tender age of 11 Cynthia falls pregnant. Her father is the father.
Cynthia gives birth to a baby girl who her mother stabs 40 times with a knitting needle. The baby bleeds to death.
23 years later, Cynthia wants justice...

I tell you, I have tried again and again to make sense of parents the likes of Cynthias, that Australian wacko who kept his daughter as a sex slave in a basement for decades.. What exactly goes on through their heads to inflict such cruelty on young innocent souls?
Earth is such a sick place to live in!

Tionele Mpira tsopano.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bafana's June 16th loss.

Right now, as my blunt fingers highly appreciate the smooth touch of this screen I'm typing on, as my brain struggles to come up with the best vocabulary, every South African out there has emotions skyrocketing.

On the 16th of June 1976, South Africa lost 25 young lives in a dreadfully apartheid-influenced massacre. Now, exactly three decades and four years later, the 2010 world cup host country is bleeding sorrow once again. And this time no life has been lost, only hope. Yes, hope to be the first African country to host and win the mammoth football tournament. *SAD*
South Africa national football team, popularly known as Bafana, which in English means "boys", was in action playing against Uruaguay at world cup today. This was their second match, and a crucial one. The boys needed a win, especially after drawing in the opening match.
But sadly, the host team was gifted not "one", but "3" stinging goals. Now they are right at the edge of being booted out of the championship. It was purely heartwrenching watching the colourful nation have their hope smashed into pieces. Their pride punctured..their dreams in tatters.
I don't think Bafana played as badly as everyone else's saying. I actually think they played a way better than they did in the opening match. Uruguay first goal was a stupid, but at the same time honest error from one of the hosts' defenders. The second one, which was a penalty, was some real stinking luck. In my entire history as a soccer fan, I have never witnessed a goalkeeper being given a red card. *Somebumofaref*
And third goal was....aarrrgh..!! This hurts, boy!

*my sister, Lisa Simpson, is in bad form at the moment. She had to take sedatives on top of alcohol to go to bed. Ha ha! Before she passed out she asked me how come I wasn't hurting as bad, I told her the good thing about getting your heart broken so many times is that you eventually become immune to pain. Heaven know how many times being Serena's avid fan has almost dragged me to an early grave. God knows how much I have cried over Chelsea...
Pano kupima uku.

C y'all 2morrw.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Viva vuvuzela!

Ha ha, vuvuzela is the hot topic all over earth right now.
The noisy Plastic trumpet which has always been used, especially by South Africans, during celebrations will never be the same after world cup 2010.
Vuvuzelas are being blown 24/7 all over South Africa as part of celebrating the biggest football championship that is on the African soil for the very first time. And the noise these trumpets have created is beyond defeaning.
A lot of people, mostly non-africans, have complained about vuvuzela and asked FiFA to do something about it.
But of course there is nothing anyone can do. Vuvuzela shall continue shattering eardrums and causing migraines till the 11th of July 2010.

I am one of the poor souls badly affected by this endless noise around South Africa. I haven't slept a wink since world cup, and have an eternal splitting headache. But inspite of my condition, I'm one big vuvuzela fan. I'm totally against it being barred.
I believe that every world cup championship should have something unique that will forever linger in people's minds.
And in this world cup case that something unique is "vuvuzela".

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ghana, Africa's creme de la creme.

Tell me of an African soul who isn't over the sun for Ghana's mighty victory at the world cup today. Even I, amidst a tres foggy hangover, am celebrating.
Ghana made Africa proud!
That's all I have to say today.

C y'all 2morrow.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

The English Goalie...

What a shame for the English football warriors. Indeed, Some massively rotten luck for the goalkeeper! But on the other hand, a draw isn't that bad. At least it's better than losing..

The problem with England is not with the players, it lies with us the fans. "kusakhutitsidwa" Greed. My drunken sister who up until today knew nada about football is making noise about my praising Wayne Rooney for nothing. She thinks I'm just blowing his vuvuzela when I say he's one of the best strikers in the world simply cuz he didn't score today. Comeee ooon!
And every other England fan online is busy complaining.... Geez, Get a grip guys! The guys sweated blood in that pitch. The did everything they could. Ok, the goalie gaffed big, but who doesn't? "To err is human, and to forgive divine". Let's all forget about him having a "slip" and read in between the quote.

Would you have played better yourself had you been in that pitch, with the weight of world on your ass?
Would you have prevented the hawler had you been in Rob Green's unfortunate position?
I don't think so!
So sew your wide traps with twine and just enjoy the world cup. It's on our African soil, man.

As the World cup journey continues...

"oh I wish it could be world cup everyday..."
That's the track in my head right now.

Wow, seriously, world cup should be there all the time. Yours truly is sloshed and having a time of her life!

So 'mnzansi' went against all odds to draw in their opening match. That was a big surprise indeed! Even I expected a loss from them. But I'm glad Africa was saved from a copious humiliation.
The Bafana were more than nervous in the first half of the game, but managed to settle in the second. "bafana bavukile", that's what I said after the first goal from SA.
Substitute Tshabalala outtackled the speedy Mexicans and right into the net went the ball, putting the host team ahead for a few minutes before their opponents equalized.
It was a brilliant play. I still can not believe the chances Mexico missed...

Right now I've just seen the end of Argentina and Nigerian match. That was sugary, man! Even though Nigeria, my favourite in the world cup, lost, they played their damnest best against the South American football beasts.
And Diego Maradona, gosh, what a Jackass!

And congratulations to South Korea who had a slide (2-0) over Greece.

I'm now waiting for England Vs USA.
Oh yeah, behind England I shall be...


Friday, June 11, 2010

Wakawaka eeeh eeh

Let's all go and wholeheartedly cheer for our tres handsome "Bafana".

Thursday, June 10, 2010


If there is one thing that will forever remain an irritaing, but also fascinating memory of Fifa world cup 2010 in people's minds, (especially the ones who are in SA right now) that is surely "Vuvuzela".

Ok, so today marks the last day of countdown. Tonight is the night Vuvuzelas shall cause catastrophic damages to many eardrums. Ha!
I'll have to glue cotton wool into my ears and sleep in the basement to escape the sweetly chaotic inevitability..

The best of luck to Bafana tomorrow!

*just so you know, I started practising Buddhaism*

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

FIFA World cup 2010.

Hello Graceful,

Yours truly has now completed the Sorcery PhD. She is now a qualified lady of the "night". Oh how heavenly it feels to be back!
My fingers badly missed the sweet sensation it normally gets from the keyboard whilst typing. And my brain was in deep depression from lack of activity.
But I'm glad I took the break. Scribbling feels brand new. Being idle for so long has somehow given me this overpowering zeal to write more. It's like falling in love for the first time - the novelty of the first kiss. It's like discovering a new hobby. I feel like am scribbling for the first time and it feels *divine*
My dear Graceful, nothing beats the rich feeling of creating life by merely adding words together. Imagine your whole life story in a couple of pages?

Anyway, the real story all over planet earth is FIFA world cup 2010. The huge quadrennial sporting event is once again on, and this time taking place in Africa - our mother land. How amazing!

FIFA world cup 2010 kicks off on the 11th of June, 48 hours from now, in Egoli, (Johannesburg) South Africa.
You can not begin to comprehend the excitement right now, especially that coming from the city of Gold.
The colours yellow and green have taken over. My good gracious God, South Africa has never looked more golden!

More than a decade ago, I never at all wasted time on FiFA world cup. I thought it pointless to watch or be excited about an event that bore the title "world cup" but only consisted of teams from everywhere else around the world, except Africa. And the reality that our beautiful
continent had never been given the honour to host was like an insult to a critical injury. I considered that racism at it's finest!

But today I'm one of the souls badly hit by world cup pyrexia. Eish, *FEVER* I don't think I can wait any longer. I feel like I'm gonna burst trying to contain all the exhiliration. Oh yeah, the great soccer tournament is finally happening right at home. Every African is allowed to act loco:) it's our continent, our FiFA, our time.
Bafana Bafana, the host team, takes on Mexico on the very first day of this grand event. "kulambula bwalo". The whole world seems to think South Africa will go into a history of host teams that have embarrasses themselves by losing their opening match. But will it defy the odds and survive?
I guess we have to wait for Friday:)
I'm not a Bafana Bafana avid fan, but I wish it the very best comes Friday. It has worked tremendously hard and just like all other teamss competing, it would cherish being champions.
I'm supporting Nigeria this time around. My sister thinks that's crazy... But, eeish, "Makonda-makonda". Coooome on, Nigeria!!!!

Let's enjoy this great quadrennial football event and rejoice. Mbava ndi ena onse okonda chisokonezo musapezelepo mpata...... Let's all unite and make world cup 2010 the more memorable. Let's make South Africa proud!