Sunday, August 28, 2011

I really really really...
I mean, really want to write about how Arsenal FC got viciously "RAPED" and "Impregnated" with octuplets this afternoon at Old Trafford...
I really really want to give my sage opinion on the sad matter, but eeeish...I'm quite speechless with the news, myself.

Really, how does such a giant, most revered football club like Arsenal allow itself to get "ManHandled" in such a soul shattering fashion?

Football, such a harsh game!
At the beginning of this year, I told myself that I wasn't going to follow both the Premier and champions league to save my heart from breaking. But I realise I lied to myself. I'm deeply stuck into this destructive marriage with Chelsea. No matter how badly I get hurt, no matter how sadly I cry, I still go back to Chelsea. The "Guy" has a serious hold on my damn soul, it's crazy!
I didn't know pain can be so addictive.

Anyway, I guess now it's time for me to help the mourners at Emirates mourn loudly and reflect on the shite that's upon them.

The hurricane wants to piss on my tennis; well f*** it!

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