Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hallucinations and Dreams!

Yesterday, the eeriest...most uncanny...most unearthly thing happened to me...
I'm losing my marbles...

Being a music junkie, HMV is like my second home. I'm there more times than a jailbird is in jail.
So yeah, yesterday, as usual, I graced this second home of mine with one of my many graceful visits. I was looking for something youthful and Innovative to add to my tired, obsolete music collection. I feel music is like an underwear - it needs to be changed every day...

Ok, so there I were, making the grandest, most anxious entrance into HMV - my heart doing happy flips in my sternum in anticipation... Then suddenly, all froze! One by one my dreadlocks stood still in my head, my heart turned into a motionless iceberg. I literally felt my blood freeze in my veins. There, In front of me, stood a very familiar but yet unfamiliar face. Its dark lifeless eyes pierced right through mine, straight to my soul. Staring at it with palpable emptiness...
I tried to vigorously shake myself awake. But I realised I was already awake. Then I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. I thought if I did that then the eerie image in my head would disappear...
I damn wish I had kept my eyes open!

All went pitch black the moment my eyelids shut.
Everything and everyone vanished into the blackness.
It was just me and the strange eyes. Its face had disappeared too.
Then I heard a that of an earthquake.
It was a voice...
It was saying to me, "You are so coming with me."
I tried to run, but my legs were stagnated at one place.
I tried to scream, but my voice was frozen in my larynx
The eyes were walking swiftly towards where I was...
A strong stench of something dark engulfed me
It was that of death.
The eyes were now a cm away. I had almost surrendered to my fate.

"Ma'am, ma'am, can I help you?" Asked a woman's voice.
I looked up. A shop assistant was standing beside me. I didn't answer her. Instead, I continued to stare listlessly right in front of me, searching for those eyes I had just seen in my hallucination. They were gone. Only a giant poster of Amy Winehouse stood there.
"Ma'am, are you ok?" The shop assistant asked once more with concern in her soft voice.
I stared at her blankly for about a minute while I tried to stop myself from shivering. Then I turned and exited the shop. For good!

I've been hallucinating a lot lately. And my dreams get darker and spookier. At times they are so vivid, I can touch them. As soon as I hit the pillow, it begins. Sometimes it's the dead, or the boogeyman. Other times just darkness. It spooks me more than the ghosts and the boogeyman, the darkness. It's the coldest, the most cruel...

The boogeyman has no face. But I know it has a human shape and wears dark clothes. It pays me more visits than the ghosts or the darkness.
The boogeyman never changes its routine. Its approach is always the same. As soon as sleep takes over, there it comes. First I hear my bedroom door so slowly opening, then the dark faceless shape in dark clothing enters and makes its way to my bed. It walks on tiptoes. Always!
These days I've learnt not to scream anymore when "Boogey" pays me a visit. No one hears me. Mostly this unnatural visitor of mine just sits there and watches me sweat with fear. But there are times when it has sex with me. It's a feeling I can't put into words... Other times it just roughly sucks on my boobs. And when it's angry it smothers me. My husband thinks I should go to the black doctors and get help. He stays awake most nights just to look at me while I'm restlessly asleep. He says it's scary what I do and say while deep in slumber. But he never sees the what I see. He never sees the boogeyman. Even when he's right there ravishing me.
The ghosts are normally easier to deal with. Mostly it's my dad, or grandma. I usually just tell them to fuck off.

The darkness is another story...
Maybe one day I'll have sufficient courage to write about it.

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