Monday, March 28, 2011

Inside a psycho Ex-girfriend's Skull.

Thats the title of my debut book. Coming out end of summer. It's mostly about the impact of social networks on human beings. You all better make it a bestseller:)

Every single human being has what I like to call a Calling - a stronger inner impulse over a particular course of action. Its a heavily intensified passion you can never ignore or escape. One way or the other it catches up with you and attaches its fangs into your heart.

As a young girl, I always found pens, pencils and papers inordinately fascinating. While most children my age played with dolls and toy cars, I would scribble fluent arabic, or whatever it was, all around my parents' walls, to their displeasure. No amount of beatings and pinchings cured this serious scribbling malady in me. Resisting the magnetic pull of pens or papers just wasn't possible. It was out of my control.
But despite having had this fierce thing with pens and papers, I didn't realise my calling till fifth grade. I'd written a composition (the first one I ever wrote in English) which to my huge surprise won a competetion, and was read at the Radio MBC on kids programme then called "Pamchenga". The way my parents celebrated, it was as if they were not the ones who'd always punished my poor bony ass whenever I wrote on their precious walls, or spilled ink on their most revered carpet. How two-faced!
But it was in high school when a confirmation was made that scribbling was more than a virus inside me. It was part of me. A massive part!
The hold it had on me was so powerful, it defied logical understanding.

When a scribbling passion finds its way into your soul, every single letter in the alphabet speaks to you!

Inside a Psycho Ex-girlfriend's Skull is fiction based on real life experiences. It all started with Facebook. When I saw how the biggest social network was wrecking people's emotions, especially those who had their exes as friends, I knew I had the title of my first book. Coming up with the plot was now my biggest challenge. It was one great gamble. But just like every problem has a solution, everything fell into place. It was not easy, however. I had to pull all my rusty high school acting skills from under my sleeve to play psycho. It was both mentally and emotionally draining. There were times when I truly believed I had become the character I was trying to portray. Big respect to all actors and actresses of earth! Now I know why it takes them years to grab that elusive academy gong. The most difficult part of the whole project was when I had to undo my morals and dignity and hurt people I love. I felt like a selfish monster:(
Then came the search for a publisher. It was sweaty! I had to deal with the bitter taste of rejection all by myself.
But time is indeed everything...

**My special thanks go to Ken Jr (My gorgeous pair of Stilettos) for playing the biggest part in helping me soar to my final destination. This book would't have seen the light of day without you.
Thanks to Esmie for all the endless facebook update information, endless encouragement when I felt like burning the manuscript, and endless help in creating the juicest drama. How was it playing bitch?
To Kongoro The Greatest, the one that rubs shoulders with the ancestors, thanks for the encouragement and all the chitchats on twitter. That really polished up my vocabulary as well as my style of scribbling. You were initially not part of the plot, but you gave me that necessary final push. Thanks! My plan was to stalk your tweets and nick some of your talent and sage, but thank my ancestors, you followed me back and we hit it off. Another one of those impossible dreams! I'll send you an autographed copy:)
And last but not least, my husband Tichatonga, my biggest fan. Thanks for all the boundless support! And most of all, thanks for allowing me to send bikini photos to another man. I cannot begin to imagine how crappy that must have felt.
I don't think my two big headed children need a special thanks. All they did was disturb and

*And to Funny, I'm sorry for the pain this whole thing caused you. Now you know I really didn't mean to hurt you. Or Nick your hubby.

I'm not sharing the millions though:)

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