Friday, December 31, 2010

I don't know if it's just me, but the last day of the year always has this surreal air about it. I can only compare it to the dark smell of death. Spooky isn't it?

Year 2010 is passing away today midnight. Just like all the other years before it, it's going to be gone and forgotten. Forever!
It's crazy how my heart gets so heavy on the 31st of December of each year. I feel like am losing something dear and precious...a part of me.
So today at midnight we bury this year we got to know and loved. We bury everything that came along with it. Successes, achievements, failures, tears...etc. It's a shame that the clock never gives anyone, or anything a second chance. We can never rewind or pause it. A second that has passed never returns.
That's just the way it is.
Life must go on.
The beer must be drunk.
The fodya wachikulire must be smoked!

Happy 2011 to you all!!!

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