Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Emotions, Dreams et Footie.

"ain't it crazy how an email could just flip your mood, and you don't know what to think or feel..., ain't it scary how one person in the entire universe could get obsinately stuck in your thoughts and affect your every heartbeat..."
That's really a wayward paraphrase of JLo's "ain't it funny" lyrics!

I'm a mess, G. Emotionally. And I'm sure you know the root of it all. It ain't no rocket science. *Sigh*
I just hate this helpless feeling of being caught in between wanting to do what's right and what's right for my heart. It exhausts me mentally, and leaves me vulnerable emotionally.
I'm so tired, G. In every sense of the verb.
My soul is aching badly right now, and I feel very disoriented inwardly-<
Well...., *another sigh*
When I'm like this, even vodka doesn't taste that good!

*Hey Stiletto, my gorgeous pair of heelz, how do you fancy coming to Chile with me and get ourselves trapped in a mine?* This time no rescuers.
That way I can die peacefully and lovingly with you ON - the "sexiest" death of all - so sexy it won't do us part:)
So watcha say, huh?
Not to worry, I'm only dreaming in colour here.
I missed most of yesterdays game between Arsenal and Man United. Physically, I was there looking at the tv, but my mind was somewhere in Azkaban... or was it afghanistan? Yeah, somewhere between the two lands fighting insanity.
I know Gunners run out of bullets and let Man U do the shooting.
I also know that "the-once-was" Wayne Rooney missed a penalty...and I mean miss as in kicking the ball all the way to Azkaban where my mind was.

Alright G, time to chill in Westeria Lane with my fellow "Desperate Housewives".

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