Friday, December 17, 2010

The "Drama" in my life.

Today my older son Orama had his Christmas school play. And as parents, me and this man I married had to go and give him morale. As usual, we overslept. We always do! When the alarm goes, it's the same indignant phrase that comes out of hubby's mouth, "oh just shut it you fool"! Then its my turn to switch it off with suppressed anger of a hungry lioness before sweet sleep resumes. Orama has never been early to school. Ever! And the principal no longer says anything anymore. I think he's completely fed up with our late tendencies. And the worst, and probably most embarrassing thing is that we stay really close to the school. Only about 2 minutes walk...
Well, I blame the tsetsefly that infected me with a sleeping illness for everything that goes wrong in my life. And Eve from the garden of Eden. But hubby on the other hand has no excuse. Only laziness. And if we look in the medical jargon, it isn't a disease...or maybe it is...

*I must have pissed fate off in the most "terriblest" way possible to be blessed with a terribly disorganized husband on top of my own disorganization!*

Ok. We did get to the school. Yes, a few minutes later than the other parents, but we got there. And no one would have guessed that Tich my husband, a 35 year old respectable rasta, had on his 5 year old son's socks! And this was because he was too lazy to find his own. No one would have dreamt that I, a mother of 2 grown boys, hadn't dressed my "inner" executive self.. Ok, I had no knickers on. There! Couldn't find any in better condition. The uninvited visitors in my house, yes, the bloody rodents feasted on all the good ones I had:(
And as if the underwear situation wasn't enough, we had to lose a child. Tj, our 3 year old. Actually Hubby did.
What actually happened was, after the play, I went off to talk to Orama's teacher leaving Hubby with Tj. When I came back about 10 minutes later, Tj had run off and Hubby was going around in circles like a dumb, drunk duck which had lost it's way home. Damn was I so furious! This was actually the second time for this man to have lost the same child. So yeah, there was some bickering. A lot of it. The other parents had another show to watch. So embarrassing!
This episode today really is a testimony that my husband and I ought to grow up and start behaving like proper parents. We can't carry on raising kids in such a mad environment.
And I need to get new knickers. The thieving rats:(!! Its their fault I'm still bare "underneath" and feeling like Paris Hilton.

Anyhow, the play went absolutely grand. There wasn't a dry eye in the hall. Even Tich cried. Though I know he'd deny before Allah and his disciples that he did.
If people could really burst with pride, then the explosion that would have taken place today at the play would have destroyed the whole galaxy.
The children participating were purely amazing. Brilliant! All of them. But there's absolutely no semblance of doubt in my mind that my son Orama, the "Precious one", was the brightest star among all.
And I think I deserve a pat in the back for 5 years of hard labour. Installing humanity in "animals" isnt one plus one.
On that note, do me a favor and forget my underwearlessness!

*I'm going to a fancy party tonight. This dress I'm planning on wearing won't do with no undergarment. So after typing this, I'm off to the mall!

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