Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Guess who's back?

This morning, my demonic obsession with the greatest 2pac Amaru Shakur, which has layed dormant for more than a decade rusurrected itself! Without notice, without warning...
Growing up, I had no choice but to love Pac. My whole household was forced to endure the loud unfamiliar ramblings of this new artist my brother was newly obsessed with. At first, we would all go ballistic everytime Craig (My brother) played "Brenda's got a baby" in the house. My mum would actually go nuts threatening to break the HiFi. But slowly, we all fell for Pac's indisputable charm. Even mum! My brother and I would grace her with the most wicked serenade of "Dear Mama" whenever we got a chance. And she loved it.One time she even stood up and gave a little motherly jive. It was hilarious, and memorable at the same time. Though I have no recollection of when exactly I fell for 2pac, he quickly became my latest knight in shining amour. The first rapper to ever woo my soul. It could have been MC Hammer, if it wasn't for his ridiculous fashion sense. To be specific, the unattractive pair of pants he always used to wear. They totally put me off. I even refused to learn how to stomp the way he did because every time I moved my feet, I'd think of those ugly pants and my temper would rise. Snoop Doggie Dogg also failed to win me. I would look at him from the TV screen and thought, "wow, he certainly looks like my dog, Villah". It would have been against the mother of nature to fantasize about him. And trust me, I was never the one for bestiality. My cousin was. Defenseless chickens, ducks etc, would rock his world. One time he got it on with the neighbours duckling and was discovered in the middle of the sick act by the owner of the bird. My poor granny almost got a heart attack!
I really should do something about my bad habit of straying from the main topic. Anyway, I was talking about my love affair with the late 2pac. He had me so wrapped around his hair follicle (forget he was bald) that when he passed on in 1996, my heart broke. I didn't want any reminders so I destroyed every memento I had of him.
And when my mum followed suit beginning of 1997, (by following "suit" I mean dying) I vowed never to have anything to do with Pac ever again as long as I lived. Every time I heard his deep sexy voice, be it a radio or TV, I'd see mum's smiling face. Every time I listened to Dear Mama, I'd see mum dancing. It was like a sword straight to my soul. It hurt so bad!!!
So, that was how the divorce came about, Pac's and mine:)And when my brother passed away two years ago, the divorce was like finalized.

But this morning, for some very weird reason, I knew I had to listen to him just one more time...
And damn, was I blown away! Emotions I never knew I had gushed rapidly from every orifice of my soul. In a very short space of time, I was back in the hood with my bro - Brannah Ice and C Doggie doing it like proper Gs.

Having stayed so long without listening to this legendary rapper has created a certain kind of novelty in me. Suddenly, I'm paying profound attention to every single verb in his lyrics, every emotion he must have felt...
Damn, 2pac was one INFURIATED soul! I wonder what it is that pissed him off so greatly?
But his fury somehow made him the gigantic artist he was.

Every artist tells a story. But what makes them a great artist is the authenticity and originality of the story they are telling. How believable. Even MJ had a story. A freaky one, but a story is a story. Even Lady Gaga has one. If you take a close look at the Poker Faces and Bad Romances, you'd get to learn a lot about the person Stefani Germanotta behind the character Gaga.
In literature, they say music begins where words end. So the death of words, means the birth of lyrics. Suddenly life becomes too much to bear and you need to do more than talking...
Pac story was a true story. And he told it with every bit of emotion he possessed. The guy was so pissed off with fate, for some reason, and had to convey the message through his talent. It was him against the world with music as his only weapon. I tell you, this guy was one Hot Head! His songs were a reflection of his life, and that was what made his performances heartwrenching. The emotions in his songs are so
raw, so real...you couldn't fake it with a million years of practice. That explains the reason why no other rapper has beaten his record yet. There hasn't been any to tell a different story - lack of originality! Shite, but the guy was obsessed with death..!
A lot of comparison has been made between Pac and his rival B.I.G. But I see no point in doing so. Of course B.I.G was one "big" artist, unbelievably talented. And like every other great artist, he had a story of his own to tell, only he lacked Pac's intelligence and authenticity
The world still awaits the day a rap artist will be born - One that's going to level up with Pac. Slim Shady comes close, only he is white(I ain't racist, but rap isn't for our pink skinned friends). And its obvious that most of his work is Pac-influenced. And Snoop-influenced! He's actually very smart, Shady. He's like a sponge. He observes and learns from other artists. Then he puts together his observations, what he's learnt and his own talent to make something unique. He is amazing. Only he is still white. The worst thing since Elvis Presley. And the best!

So yeah, Pac is back in my life. And this time I'm never ever letting him go again! His music brings with it times, places and special people that I'll never know again.

It really smells like christmas out there. Snow is back with more cruelty and I haven't done most of my shopping...
Right now I'm at wit's end figuring out how I'm gonna bribe my brother in law to drive me to town.
But anyway, whatever happens, I'll see ya next year!
You've been a great listener as always...all year. You never even once complained about my neverending complaints.

*I think Hubby stole some of my doobie... they might be a "boxing match" 2nite...

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