Saturday, March 10, 2012

Steve Jobs; Smart, or Mad?

Definitely MAD! I know it's not advisable to talk ill of the dead, but Steve Jobs ruined my life. Not only was the guy just mad but he made it his business to spread the madness around the world through his inventions, particularly the incredible iPhone. The gadget is as addictive as any other dangerous narcotic drug. It has screwed up so many people's lives! If you think I'm just spewing madness, ask anyone who's ever owned, or owns it. Ask me. First you spend a good amount of cash purchasing the thinging... Then boom, you are gone! Straight into the mad world. Soon the iPhone sleeps under your pillow. You wake up every now and then through out the night just to see it's still there. Other nights you just sleepily feel it... Just to make sure. In less than a month you and the iPhone have already formed an unbreakable attachment. It's become the best companion you've ever had. You take it to the lavatory and other crazy places with you. You go into an insane frenzy whenever you miss it for just a mere second. And when it's battery runs out (I like to say battery has "passed away" instead of has "ran out". It sounds cuter and more lively) severe anxiety and frustration mounts. Then the iPhone claims one's last molecule of sanity. It's a massively straining effort to put it down. Actually, it's impossible to put it down! You just can't put it down!! Even when you've ran out of stuff to do on it, you still can't put it down. You keep holding it, staring at with anxious, hungry eyes. Before you realize it, you've forgotten how to talk or listen to other humans. Your suffocatingly unhealthy relationship with your iphone puts a stop to your social life with friends and relations. ***I've heard some people have personal names for their iPhones. Others even go to an extent of dressing them up in human like clothing. Absolute MADNESS! And It all began with STEVE JOBS.

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