Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Both Venus and Serena out of Miami.

It's been a while since I posted anything about tennis. I feel so guilty. Like I've let my best friend down or something... Well, there are a number of reasons that can at least explain why I have been so silent where my favourite sport is concerned. I'm not going to go into them now. Not just yet... I'm not making excuses, no. Just trying to be true with the truth. So both the Williams sisters get toppled in the quarters of Miami Open. That makes me so unhappy! It was Venus first tournament since last US Open when she pulled out shortly after being diagnosed of sjogren syndrome. She's such a fighter, Venus. No one expected her to make it back to the courts but she did. It will take more than an immune syndrome to stop her. She played splendidly, and I'd have loved to see her lift the trophy, but she didn't. Unfortunately. Courtesy of Agneska Radwanska of Poland. And her sister Serena, who also have been off the courts due to injury, lost against Caroline Wozniack. It was the first time ever for that to happen. That leaves Maria Sharapova, Victoria Azarenka, Caroline Wozniack and Agneska Radwanska to battle it out for the title.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

"We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times, you go back to her, and I go back to black..." The way Amy Winehouse's music depresses me, it's frighteningly insane! But I just can't get myself to stop playing it over and over again. She was a giant talent, Amy. Unfortunately the talent came with a broken soul in one package... You can almost touch her pain and despair in her dark lyrics. I hope death brought her the peace she had always lacked here on earth and mended her soul.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bingu REFUSES to step down!

That's the latest from the Warmest Heart of Africa, Malawi. (I wonder whether it's still appropriate to call the country warm after all...) Oh, the sweet taste of POWER, I've always underestimated it! At least till now. It turns humans into unfeeling, close-fisted neanderthals! Disheartening!! Well, I guess nobody wants to get back down after having climbed the tallest tree, or reached the top of the highest mountain. But what happens after a raging storm, when the tree gets washed away? What happens after a vicious earthquake, when the mountain topples over and crumbles away? *Let me carry on with biting my nails raw while I figure out how to pass the last level of ANGRY wingless BIRDS**

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Should Bingu Wa Mutharika step down or not?

Last week, President Bingu Wa Mutharika of Malawi was asked to relinquish presidency within sixty days, or call for referendum. Is the economy virus Malawi has right now entirely Bingu fault? Do you think he should step down or not? First of all, I'm not really that much into this Bingu guy, but it would be untrue to say he has been a bad leader. The truth is, he did brilliantly in his first term as president. Even the blind can see how he has beautifully transformed our warm heart of Africa. And I believe credit should be given where it's due... Having said that, I'm afraid things are no longer the ok in the newly beautifully transformed Malawi. Far from ok. The economy has hit rock bottom and there's just no joy. People are struggling to make ends meet, it's not a joke any more. But who is to blame for all this suffering, Bingu? Because he is head of state? I'm sorry but I don't agree with such unjust accusation! One thing every citizen of Malawi should do before cursing or blaming the president for fuel or forex shortages is to remind themselves that we are face to face with an outrageously gloomy global recession. It's every where. It hasn't spared any nation. And the poorest African countries like Malawi are unfortunately at the receiving end of the adversity. It's no one's fault! However, contrary to what I've said above, I strongly think Bingu was a bit unwise to have had that tiff with the British financial donors. He might have been right in whatever the argument, but I still think he should have kept his cool for the sake of his people. In other words, Bingu should have known better where his bread is buttered... And should he step down as president? I think he should! Not because he has failed, no. He should step down and show the world he's not one who would cling to power when not wanted. He should step down to prove to Malawi as a whole that he isn't a greedy autocrat he's been painted to be. He should step down for the love of his nation, let others try and see if it makes a difference. That's what true democrats do!

Monday, March 19, 2012

T.B Joshua...

Authentic, or not? Well, all I know is that the bible forewarned us about false prophets...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

All you need is someone who cares, Someone who loves you, Someone who will always be there. All you need to say is that, you want me to be with you, cuz boy you know, you'v waited so long... For someone to love you...
I miss you, I miss your smile, And I still shed a tear, Every once in a while, And even though we different now, you still here somehow, I MISS YOU!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dear Adonis

Did I ever mention to you that nothing is as off putting as a great looking dude with a depleted amount of grey matter? Well, If you don't have what it takes to stimulate my mind then you obviously don't have what it takes to win my heart over. So please don't waste time starting dead end convos with me online. I apologize!


Dear Chelsea FC, after that unbelievably splendid win against Napoli in the last sixteen of the champions league, my love for you is even more insatiable than ever before! I would like to gush on and on about how incredible you are, but I'm just so exhilarated right now. Please allow me to let this sweet feeling of victory sink in. I promise to come back with the longest post full of praise for you. Forever yours, HN

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Susan Jijide - 9th April 1959 - 12th March 1998

Continue to sleep soundly, our loving mum. You marched your march with courage and determination of a heroic soldier, and for that, we salute you! You belong to heaven now, mum, and I'm sure God treats you like a goddess you truly are. I look up in the sky every night and you are there as that brightest star shining down on us. Till later, Sue! Counting down the days till I see your heartsmashingly beautiful smile again!! Hannah Nkunga at 12:48 PM

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Steve Jobs; Smart, or Mad?

Definitely MAD! I know it's not advisable to talk ill of the dead, but Steve Jobs ruined my life. Not only was the guy just mad but he made it his business to spread the madness around the world through his inventions, particularly the incredible iPhone. The gadget is as addictive as any other dangerous narcotic drug. It has screwed up so many people's lives! If you think I'm just spewing madness, ask anyone who's ever owned, or owns it. Ask me. First you spend a good amount of cash purchasing the thinging... Then boom, you are gone! Straight into the mad world. Soon the iPhone sleeps under your pillow. You wake up every now and then through out the night just to see it's still there. Other nights you just sleepily feel it... Just to make sure. In less than a month you and the iPhone have already formed an unbreakable attachment. It's become the best companion you've ever had. You take it to the lavatory and other crazy places with you. You go into an insane frenzy whenever you miss it for just a mere second. And when it's battery runs out (I like to say battery has "passed away" instead of has "ran out". It sounds cuter and more lively) severe anxiety and frustration mounts. Then the iPhone claims one's last molecule of sanity. It's a massively straining effort to put it down. Actually, it's impossible to put it down! You just can't put it down!! Even when you've ran out of stuff to do on it, you still can't put it down. You keep holding it, staring at with anxious, hungry eyes. Before you realize it, you've forgotten how to talk or listen to other humans. Your suffocatingly unhealthy relationship with your iphone puts a stop to your social life with friends and relations. ***I've heard some people have personal names for their iPhones. Others even go to an extent of dressing them up in human like clothing. Absolute MADNESS! And It all began with STEVE JOBS.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Rastafari Movement.

It began in 1930s, in Jamaica, under the influence of Marcus Garvey, with Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, as its defining figure. Today more are getting the Rastafari Doctrine wrong than they're getting it right. Dreadlocks don't define being a rasta, neither does smoking cannabis. Just like any other movement, Rastafari has its rules. You don't just become a rasta because you have dreadlocks, no. There's a vow to be taken. A few weeks ago I decided to take this vow. It's called the Nazirite Vow. I decided to become a true Rasta and take my faith for the movement to the next level. A very serious level! I'm now truly living by Empress Menen example, and following Queen Omega's footprints. Having taken the vow, I'm now known by the title: "Empress Echo"! Yes, I'm that echo that reverberates in your mind and soul. Untouchable, Yet loud and long-lasting! Jah Rastafari!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Nothing left to say!

I've never been left this utterly speechless in my entire time on earth! What sort of animals have we human beings mutated into, really? This is the story: My six year old son forges my signature to get his little naughty backside out of trouble... Believe it or not! Here is what happened: Orama, my fist born son, the most precious, most mischievous little creature in the entire universe gets into serious shite at school. (Something to do with peeping at the girls...). As by school policy, whenever a pupil bends the school rules the teacher sends a note to his parents to let them know about it. The parents are required to sign the note and send it back to the teacher acknowledging their child's misconduct. (My husband and I have lost count of how many times we've signed these naughty notes from Orama's teacher). Ok, so little Mr Mischief peeps at the girls and gets caught. Unfortunately! Teacher sends with him a note for me or his Dad to sign. Only we don't get to see this note. At least not until three days later. By then it's already taken care of. Little Mr Genius is no longer playing pranks. It's serious business from now on... Forgery, peeping at chicks and what-not Just imagine, forging a signature to perfection at six years age? The future certainly looks much brighter! ***And Orama's backside is mine to sweetly punish. Oh yes, I'll savor every moment of it!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm thinking of doing a degree in lying. I'll certainly have to graduate summa cum laude to become a widely respected, professional Liar. Once I do that then it would be easier to convince you I've overcome my demons and let go of the cloying past. With that lying qualification in my hands, I'll be able to tell you that it's all over. That I've finally broken the ghostly chains and found my way to a peaceful place. I'll be able to tell you that I'm not thinking of him. That he's no longer the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last when I drift to sleep. Until then please try and bear with me. I'm a soul whose heart is in two different places. (Like Usher Raymond). Whose love has two different faces. I'm a soul with scars still violently gushing from pain. I swear I wanna leave him behind. For I can no longer stand seeing the tears in your eyes. I really wanna change for you. But old habits die hard. Actually, they never die. They are immortal. That's why the wise say you can't teach an old Labrador new tricks. I am that old Labrador! I realize when I look in the mirror that I can never change. No matter how much I wanna dedicate myself to you. No matter how hard o try! But you are what I have now. And I'm tired of being the cause of your pain. And if I have to lie just to see one genuine smile on your face, then so be it. ****** Hannah Nkunga at 3:50 AM