Friday, October 14, 2011

The Story Behind my Blog.

Different people blog for different reasons. Some blog to promote their businesses, and others do it to stave off boredom. When I signed up for this sucker almost three years ago, I was a very wounded spirit. That was the most difficult time of my life! I felt like joy had abandoned me. I was a bundle of nerves with injured, infected emotions scattered all over the place. I remember questioning the essence of life. I was in a darkest place with no way out, or hope of light. The hardest thing about my situation was, I had no idea why I was so consistently sad. I couldn't talk to relatives or friends... I knew they wouldn't get it. Plus I didn't want to choke anybody with my problems. That's when I started blogging. Finally I felt like I had an outlet for all that was rotten and contaminating my spirit inside me. It was a relief. A big relief! Now, almost three years later, here I am. Badly scarred but no longer wounded. No longer bleeding. No longer in pain. And most importantly, no longer sad. This blog has played quite a big role in teaching me the facts of life. I'm more mentally and emotionally stable than I was when I first started blogging. By writing down my feelings, I've ironically learnt to understand myself more. And the more I understand myself, the more agile and adept I've become at tackling this life. I've learnt to accept the things that I can not change and still enjoy every breath I take. No matter how bitchy the pain. So, no longer a wounded soul, I now blog out of habit! **** There's this thing about me; every morning when I wake up, I have a song persistently buzzing in my head. It becomes the song I sing the entire day. I go around my daily activities humming it. I never get sick or tired of it. Then I sleep again and it's all over. It's a different song every morning... Today's song is NOTHING by The Script. I'm humming it in my head as I type this... **** I can't wait for Liverpool to beat the shite out of Manchester United tomorrow!

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