Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's not fatal...

If there is one thing I HATE with more venomous passion than frogs, then it's predictability! From predictable people to predictable events... I'm afraid the 2011 Rugby world cup final, which took place this morning, was so painfully predictable that I had to switch the TV off to avoid smashing it altogether! But well done to New Zealand, all the same! *** Lately I've been wondering about some aspects of this life. It's really so hard to get spot-on answers about so many things. Is it true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I thought the other way round was true - that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker... Until I learnt otherwise - that what doesn't kill you makes you bitter. But then someone else said something totally different to me. That what doesn't kill you actually makes you better. That made more sense!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


"History, despite its wrenching pain, can not be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again" Maya Angelou - one of the few African-American women with courage, swagger in abundance and a superb mind to match. I love this woman so. The quote above really has nothing to do with what I have in mind as subject for this blog. I'm just so much in love with it keeps popping in my head. I thought I should write it down before it dissolves in my brain. So Muammar Gaddafi has ceased to breathe. After chaotically flipping Libya, and the world in general upside down, that's it? Really??? No bloody way!!! What a painful anticlimax! I don't know about you, but at times I think death is way too cheap and easy a punishment. Especially to cockroaches like Gaddafi. The "animal" should have been given savage crippling instead. Like castration. Then his naked manhood-less body should have been displayed in a place like the zoo... For visual pleasure to all the poor innocent souls who suffered under his cruelty! I'm certainly not celebrating... I might as well change subject here or else I run a great risk of getting really pissed off. So for everyone's safety, I'm going to talk about sports - my third love. Who watched Chelsea FC kick Racing Genk hard in the shin last night? What do you think about the new invincible Torres? That's just the beginning of greatness for the prestigious football clubs, peeps. That's just the beginning! Arsenal had a late, very lucky win against Marseilles. A very lucky win! I'd still commit suicide if I were Wenger. The club is on its way to relegation... I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to Sunday with enthusiasm of a horny frog. Why? Let's see; Manchester Derby, Rugby World Cup final, Manchester Derby... I can't wait! In rugby I'll be rooting for France. Out of principle. I have some unresolved issues with All Blacks. In "Manshite" Derby, I'm nobody's man. I'll just sit back and hate on both teams.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Story Behind my Blog.

Different people blog for different reasons. Some blog to promote their businesses, and others do it to stave off boredom. When I signed up for this sucker almost three years ago, I was a very wounded spirit. That was the most difficult time of my life! I felt like joy had abandoned me. I was a bundle of nerves with injured, infected emotions scattered all over the place. I remember questioning the essence of life. I was in a darkest place with no way out, or hope of light. The hardest thing about my situation was, I had no idea why I was so consistently sad. I couldn't talk to relatives or friends... I knew they wouldn't get it. Plus I didn't want to choke anybody with my problems. That's when I started blogging. Finally I felt like I had an outlet for all that was rotten and contaminating my spirit inside me. It was a relief. A big relief! Now, almost three years later, here I am. Badly scarred but no longer wounded. No longer bleeding. No longer in pain. And most importantly, no longer sad. This blog has played quite a big role in teaching me the facts of life. I'm more mentally and emotionally stable than I was when I first started blogging. By writing down my feelings, I've ironically learnt to understand myself more. And the more I understand myself, the more agile and adept I've become at tackling this life. I've learnt to accept the things that I can not change and still enjoy every breath I take. No matter how bitchy the pain. So, no longer a wounded soul, I now blog out of habit! **** There's this thing about me; every morning when I wake up, I have a song persistently buzzing in my head. It becomes the song I sing the entire day. I go around my daily activities humming it. I never get sick or tired of it. Then I sleep again and it's all over. It's a different song every morning... Today's song is NOTHING by The Script. I'm humming it in my head as I type this... **** I can't wait for Liverpool to beat the shite out of Manchester United tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The bitterest taste of defeat!

Today, I woke up feeling like a swaggerless cockroach. I'm sure I even smelt like one. That, I tell you, was super depressing! One of my favorite activities of the day is stealing glances at myself in public mirrors and mall windows. I like the eerie, uncanny feeling I get when my eyes stare right into the eyes of my reflection. It's insatiably fascinating! But today I avoided anything that resembles a mirror like a plague. Having woken up feeling and smelling like a cockroach, I was afraid of what I might see in the mirror... probably a not-so-pretty cockroach staring back at me... That would not have been a pretty sight! Well, I've regained some of my personality and swagger now, thank heaven! I just wish I wasn't agonizing about The Springboks being booted out of the Rugby world cup... But the wounds are still very fresh. That means I'm going to agonize for quite some time. What really hurt is the brutal fact that the Boks came so close... It was only a matter of one more try and the mighty win would have been theirs... But shite just got too tight out there. Anyhow, what's done is done. I'll simply have to agonize more loudly than before and hope the pain will soon dissolve inside my soul. ANGER and SADNESS, both highly destructive emotions but in different ways. Anger is like a volcano, it boils up inside you and badly scalds every one at close proximity and afar. Sadness, on the other hand, is more like acid. It gradually eats you up inside and destroys every minute particle of happiness. Anger is short-lived. The havoc it causes is horrendous, but temporary. Sadness is permanent. It never leaves you.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Shite gets real!

It's the quarter finals of the rugby world cup 2011. Shite just got real, man! I mean, Really real!! Ireland vs Wales England vs France South Africa vs Australia New Zealand vs Argentina Even though my heart beats for Springboks, every orifice in my anatomy feels year 2011 is the year for All Blacks. Let's watch on boys...

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Perhaps some of you have questions about the title of this post; what has Brangeline's adopted kid done now to deserve a special mention in my reverend blog? Well, I'm sorry to be a great disappointment here, but the Zahara you see on top there has absolutely nothing to do with that hot, famous couple from Hollywood with a bunch of adopted children. No! I'm talking about the new African MUSIC SENSATION who's taken the universe by a huge quake. When I say universe, I mean with all the other unknown planets included. Yes, even aliens are singing sweet praises about Zahara. People on earth are saying she is the next best thing...I completely choose to differ. No offense. I don't think Zahara is the next best thing, no. She is the BEST THING! Whose album goes multiplatinum in less than two weeks? The moment Zahara opens her beautiful mouth to sing, magic happens. A voice so impeccably calming, so profoundly rich! In it you find traces of Tracy Chapman, Judith Seiphuma, India Arie, Miriam Makeba, Amy Winehouse and many more other massive artists. In it you find peace and heavenly quietness. What actually puts strings on my heart about this new great Star, apart from her unbelievably great talent, is her sense of tradition. She is indeed a true queen from Mother Bossom. A bonafide African TOPLINER! Now, who do I blackmail to have these itchy claws of mine on Zahara's latest magical work? I know, my brother in - law...