Monday, September 19, 2011


This morning, as the world opened its eyes to a new day, I learnt one more new thing about myself. It's insane the adjustments human beings make over time! Last week, Serena Williams, my favourite tennis player of all time, failed to add one more slam to her collection of thirteen. I was gutted. Truly gutted! But I realised the pain of her cold defeat was not as intense this time around as it has always been over the years. I was surprised I didn't stay the whole night awake after the match to analyse Serena's errors and agonise about what "would, should, could have been"... Instead, I slept. Soundly and comfortably, with no dreams of the reverse of the match. That truly weirded me out! Yesterday, Chelsea FC, the most prestigious football club earth has ever had the privilege to know, got a crippling whipping at the Old Traffords. And again, my soul bled... but not as overflowingly as it has always done before. After this realisation, I sat down and asked myself; "what is happening to me"? Suddenly I don't feel anymore? Have I finally turned into Big Baby from Toy Story, unfeeling, untouched, unconcerned??? Then I understood that, no, I hadnt turned into Big Baby. Not at all. I still have my emotions in tact. I still feel. The only thing that has changed in me is my mental and emotional maturity. Yes, I have grown up so much mentally and emotionally that life's mishaps don't seem so final anymore. I've learnt to accept that sometimes we have to face failure to appreciate future victories. And more importantly, I've learnt the art of letting go. I've realised it's not as impossible as it always seems! Billy Shankly may think football is more serious than a matter if life and death, but it's still a game at the end of the scores. So Arsenal FC fans wherever you are, cheer up! 8 - 2 was criminal, yes, but not mortal. Lol

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