Thursday, September 15, 2011

I don't like sitting in idleness... For the moment I do, I start to think... Insane, pitch-black senselessness of thoughts. Then my world gets dangerously tense... And all stops making sense. That's when I start believing in the nonsense of nonsense making sense. Oh lord... Perhaps I was born merely to make no sense... *My thoughts are detrimental to my sanity* ***** For reasons I'd rather not disclose, I've always thought my next door neighbour queer. Well, today, my assumptions were affirmed. The guy came crying to me this afternoon, accusing my dog of putting his dog "in the family way" (sic). At first I just stood there in shock, staring at him... Then he continued with a whole lot of bull about how my dog must have taken advantage of his dog who happens to be a bit behind with the clock... When my slow brain had digested the craziness spewing out of this guy's mouth, an uncontrollable laughing fit ensued. That made him cry even more. He thought I thought the incident a joke. Well, I still think it a giant joke. Really, who goes blaming a neighbour for their pet's "pregnancy"? (I believe they call it gestation in animals?) Anyhow, I effortfully got myself together and explained to him that my dog was unfortunately infertile and gay, therefore incapable of fathering any pups. Lord, I shouldn't have said that! Let's just say it didn't end so amicably. The guy now wants a DNA test... He threatens to sue if ever there's any resistance from our side.

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