Friday, September 23, 2011

Sonnet 116

"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks...but bears it out even to the end of doom"! Sonnet 116 What exactly brought the above classic, heavily romantic poem up in my head? Well, Seven years ago today, my honourable hubby and I did the "till death do us part" thinging. To be honest, I never imagined I'd last a minute as a married woman. And neither did I think it possible nor sensible for anyone to love a disagreeable person like me so tirelessly for as long as a day, let alone seven years! I guess time has proved me wrong here. In clarification, Married life hasn't been that much of a smooth slide. There have been tears, anger, long faces...but most importantly, there have been genuine smiles, laughter and love in abundance. Definitely the good times outweigh the bad... This morning, for my anniversary present, I woke up to a sweet recital of Shakespeare's sonnet 116 - one of my favourite love poems of all time. I had actually forgotten I had asked for that as my present. So hearing it the upon waking up was absolutely a beautiful surprise! By far the greatest, most gorgeous, most thoughtful gift I've ever been given. Indeed, "love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. Or bends with the remover to remove. Oh no! It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken..." Seven years gone and forever more to come!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rugby: South Africa vs Namibia

The UNVANQUISHED Springboks! 87 - 0? No bloody way! It's inconceivable how Namibia is feeling at this particular time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

...Oh lord, my "rear passage" is on fire. Yes, by rear passage I mean bum-bum. It feels as if it's been excreting razor blades the whole year through. That's how demoralising piles (haemorrhoids) can be! They are sick. In case you are wondering how my "ass" found itself in this predicament, no, I'm not pregnant. And I didn't engage in anal sex either. It's just my irate hormones conspiring against me. They don't want to see me happy. **I certainly wonder how sexually active male gays survive the torture...

Monday, September 19, 2011


This morning, as the world opened its eyes to a new day, I learnt one more new thing about myself. It's insane the adjustments human beings make over time! Last week, Serena Williams, my favourite tennis player of all time, failed to add one more slam to her collection of thirteen. I was gutted. Truly gutted! But I realised the pain of her cold defeat was not as intense this time around as it has always been over the years. I was surprised I didn't stay the whole night awake after the match to analyse Serena's errors and agonise about what "would, should, could have been"... Instead, I slept. Soundly and comfortably, with no dreams of the reverse of the match. That truly weirded me out! Yesterday, Chelsea FC, the most prestigious football club earth has ever had the privilege to know, got a crippling whipping at the Old Traffords. And again, my soul bled... but not as overflowingly as it has always done before. After this realisation, I sat down and asked myself; "what is happening to me"? Suddenly I don't feel anymore? Have I finally turned into Big Baby from Toy Story, unfeeling, untouched, unconcerned??? Then I understood that, no, I hadnt turned into Big Baby. Not at all. I still have my emotions in tact. I still feel. The only thing that has changed in me is my mental and emotional maturity. Yes, I have grown up so much mentally and emotionally that life's mishaps don't seem so final anymore. I've learnt to accept that sometimes we have to face failure to appreciate future victories. And more importantly, I've learnt the art of letting go. I've realised it's not as impossible as it always seems! Billy Shankly may think football is more serious than a matter if life and death, but it's still a game at the end of the scores. So Arsenal FC fans wherever you are, cheer up! 8 - 2 was criminal, yes, but not mortal. Lol

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I don't like sitting in idleness... For the moment I do, I start to think... Insane, pitch-black senselessness of thoughts. Then my world gets dangerously tense... And all stops making sense. That's when I start believing in the nonsense of nonsense making sense. Oh lord... Perhaps I was born merely to make no sense... *My thoughts are detrimental to my sanity* ***** For reasons I'd rather not disclose, I've always thought my next door neighbour queer. Well, today, my assumptions were affirmed. The guy came crying to me this afternoon, accusing my dog of putting his dog "in the family way" (sic). At first I just stood there in shock, staring at him... Then he continued with a whole lot of bull about how my dog must have taken advantage of his dog who happens to be a bit behind with the clock... When my slow brain had digested the craziness spewing out of this guy's mouth, an uncontrollable laughing fit ensued. That made him cry even more. He thought I thought the incident a joke. Well, I still think it a giant joke. Really, who goes blaming a neighbour for their pet's "pregnancy"? (I believe they call it gestation in animals?) Anyhow, I effortfully got myself together and explained to him that my dog was unfortunately infertile and gay, therefore incapable of fathering any pups. Lord, I shouldn't have said that! Let's just say it didn't end so amicably. The guy now wants a DNA test... He threatens to sue if ever there's any resistance from our side.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Serena's Tirade.

Serena Williams tirade at the US Open 2011 was justified. That chair umpire very well deserved every rotten verbal punch she got. "She is a hater, and very unattractive inside"! Honestly, there was no way in hell Sam Stosur was going to return that particular ball...even if Serena had been deathly mute. It was just not possible! Now I'm asking myself, had Serena won that point in question, would she have turned the match around and win it? Not many people, including Serena herself think so. But I do! #teamSerenatilleternity!!! *** Tonight; Nadal vs Djokovic #teamNadal

Friday, September 9, 2011 the remotest part of earth...making memories I won't have any memory of. That's me... There are three categories of human beings: 1. Women - females, 2. Men - males, and 3. "The Miss J Alexanders" - she-hes. If you possess every characteristic of humans in category 1, but you are not looking forward to the Rugby world cup, it's beyond reasonable doubt that you fall under category 3 of humans instead. That's quite harsh I know, but life is harsh.
One of my friends always says that playing Barcelona FC is like an infliction to a team that plays it. I say Serena Williams is like a death penalty to all other female tennis players! If you are drawn against her, especially in a slam, the odds are most likely against your poor ass. I smell grand slam championship number 14 for Miss Williams... *** Life isn't complicated, human beings are!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tj's First Day at School

My proudest yet most painful moment ever!
Orama tinamumeta...nsabwe

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Stupid iPhone 4!!!

Stupid Apple! Why does the bloody iPnone 4 have to have a bloody glass cover back and front? I'm pissed off!!! First, I dropped the stupid phone and the back shattered. Now I've dropped it again, and it's the front that is "injured".

Flushing Meadows Day 5

Maria Sharapova ousted? *SMH*

Friday, September 2, 2011

Flushing Meadows Day 4

So the Slam slams on at Flushing Meadows. Miss Serena Williams is crushing her unfortunate opponents spirits with nothing resembling a molecule of mercy. Maria Sharapova, the creme de la creme of women's tennis has upped her game since the "Heather-Watson" episode in her first round. Damn, the chicken is kicking butt! The Spaniard hunk, Nadal, the defending champion of the slam, aims to defend his title with an ooze of pure confidence from every pore of his soul. Man, you gotta love Nadal. Unloving him is just contrary to reason. The Feds Express (Roger Federer) is on a mission to get back on top where he belongs. But the question is, will The undefeatable Serb (Novak Djokovic) allow him the pleasure? I don't think so. Something tells me Djokovic is far from done with his sweet revenge on the Swiss. Let's watch on! **** As I mentioned in my earlier blog, yesterday I did the most difficult thing any mother is ever asked to do - sending her last born baby to school. Yes, my baby Tj has now joined his big brother Orama into the school slavery. My heart bleeds! Leaving my baby there, on his own, in a class full of strange little faces was a lot harder than I expected. He was sitting there, on that small desk, looking at me sadly with his big brown eyes...begging me not to go...asking me to stay with him. But I had to go. I had to leave him. Shite, I'm breaking down again as I write this. I don't think I'll get used to the pain...