Monday, March 28, 2011

Inside a psycho Ex-girfriend's Skull.

Thats the title of my debut book. Coming out end of summer. It's mostly about the impact of social networks on human beings. You all better make it a bestseller:)

Every single human being has what I like to call a Calling - a stronger inner impulse over a particular course of action. Its a heavily intensified passion you can never ignore or escape. One way or the other it catches up with you and attaches its fangs into your heart.

As a young girl, I always found pens, pencils and papers inordinately fascinating. While most children my age played with dolls and toy cars, I would scribble fluent arabic, or whatever it was, all around my parents' walls, to their displeasure. No amount of beatings and pinchings cured this serious scribbling malady in me. Resisting the magnetic pull of pens or papers just wasn't possible. It was out of my control.
But despite having had this fierce thing with pens and papers, I didn't realise my calling till fifth grade. I'd written a composition (the first one I ever wrote in English) which to my huge surprise won a competetion, and was read at the Radio MBC on kids programme then called "Pamchenga". The way my parents celebrated, it was as if they were not the ones who'd always punished my poor bony ass whenever I wrote on their precious walls, or spilled ink on their most revered carpet. How two-faced!
But it was in high school when a confirmation was made that scribbling was more than a virus inside me. It was part of me. A massive part!
The hold it had on me was so powerful, it defied logical understanding.

When a scribbling passion finds its way into your soul, every single letter in the alphabet speaks to you!

Inside a Psycho Ex-girlfriend's Skull is fiction based on real life experiences. It all started with Facebook. When I saw how the biggest social network was wrecking people's emotions, especially those who had their exes as friends, I knew I had the title of my first book. Coming up with the plot was now my biggest challenge. It was one great gamble. But just like every problem has a solution, everything fell into place. It was not easy, however. I had to pull all my rusty high school acting skills from under my sleeve to play psycho. It was both mentally and emotionally draining. There were times when I truly believed I had become the character I was trying to portray. Big respect to all actors and actresses of earth! Now I know why it takes them years to grab that elusive academy gong. The most difficult part of the whole project was when I had to undo my morals and dignity and hurt people I love. I felt like a selfish monster:(
Then came the search for a publisher. It was sweaty! I had to deal with the bitter taste of rejection all by myself.
But time is indeed everything...

**My special thanks go to Ken Jr (My gorgeous pair of Stilettos) for playing the biggest part in helping me soar to my final destination. This book would't have seen the light of day without you.
Thanks to Esmie for all the endless facebook update information, endless encouragement when I felt like burning the manuscript, and endless help in creating the juicest drama. How was it playing bitch?
To Kongoro The Greatest, the one that rubs shoulders with the ancestors, thanks for the encouragement and all the chitchats on twitter. That really polished up my vocabulary as well as my style of scribbling. You were initially not part of the plot, but you gave me that necessary final push. Thanks! My plan was to stalk your tweets and nick some of your talent and sage, but thank my ancestors, you followed me back and we hit it off. Another one of those impossible dreams! I'll send you an autographed copy:)
And last but not least, my husband Tichatonga, my biggest fan. Thanks for all the boundless support! And most of all, thanks for allowing me to send bikini photos to another man. I cannot begin to imagine how crappy that must have felt.
I don't think my two big headed children need a special thanks. All they did was disturb and

*And to Funny, I'm sorry for the pain this whole thing caused you. Now you know I really didn't mean to hurt you. Or Nick your hubby.

I'm not sharing the millions though:)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is quite upsetting, not to mention unsettling.
PG 25
Anthu akuti ine ndi abambo awa tayamba kufanana...
The most natural kiss!
The knocked up smooch
The sweetest kiss.
The Laziest Kiss.
The cutest
The most precious

Noone forgets their first smooch! Thats a proven fact.
I remember all my first smooches. Especially the less fantastic ones.
My first boyfriend, the first male I ever kissed, left a tsunami of saliva all over my mouth. It was absolutely gross! Thank my ancestors the relationship only lasted a couple of months.
The second guy I smooched (my girlfriends had nicknamed him Mr Salty lips cuz he always tasted like salt) had an unfortunate combination of big teeth and thick lips. Blame the genes. Our first kiss was somewhere between awkward and unromantic. While I was struggling to get both his lower and upper lip inside my mouth, his giant teeth ended up on mine... And you know very well what happens when two set of teeth meet - a giant quake!
I almost lost my life on my third first kiss. This guy, who was really gorgeous, shoved his long tongue down my throat and all went blank. I was chokimg on somebody's tongue... If I had bitten the dust that day, I would have made it into the Guinness world record book. I lost out on that one.
The fourth guy i kissed had a bush of beard that scratched my whole face. I dumped him a few days later over the phone.

And then there were other smoochers...too average, they didnt make it in my diary. Most of them were one night stands - Ken dolls I'd meet in clubs. I'm a man eater:)
Fortunately, I'm one of the best smoochers earth has ever managed to produce;) (the trumpet has to be blown where its due). But if I werent, and had to pick between being a bad kisser and an average one, I'd go for the former. At least bad kissers make it into memorabilias - bad memorabilias, but a memorabilia is still a memorabilia.

My hubby kissed me the bestest of them all! Thats why I didnt waste time dragging him down the aisle to say I DO. Our first kiss took place on top of the Boyne river. It was sickenly romantic!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

All shall cease to exist.

These days death isn't a taboo anymore. Everyone is dying. In multitudes, even. Like my grandmother's chickens with "chitopa". I'm worried by the time I get to come face to face with the ultimate fate, all the graveyards will have filled up. That would certainly upset my spirit.
Anyway, I hear Elizabeth Taylor has kicked it. Sad, but not that much of a shock. Come on, the wench had had the best out of life - eight husbands, eight divorces, etc. She is my inspiration! Only I'm still on hubby number one:(
RIP Liz! I'm sure you are having a great catching up with Wacko Jacko up there in heaven. Greet my granny for me. She's also somewhere there, probably worried sick about who is minding her chickens while she is up there...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Miracles do happen.
Never ever doubt the fact!
The late Michael Jackson, a pure black man, suffered from vitiligo and sired three pure White children as a result. Tell me a miracle that surpasses that...

*I'm writing my first book:) Miracles do happen, right?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

David Luiz!

David Luiz, Chelsea FC's new SHIELD!
He is just too good to be true!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Some words have absolutely no business in the English lexicon, or any other vocabulary. For example, the noun LIBIDO and it's adjective LIBIDINOUS. I'm so done with the two. They bring nothing but trouble. Pun intended.

Hey G,
I really have been intensely busy. So much going on in my life right now. My days never end these days:) 25/7 on the grind. I know I owe my readers a couple of blogs...I will sort that out whenever I get a few free extra hours on my gruelling schedule. But apart from that, all is bien:)

Monday, March 14, 2011


Love: the only human emotion that's legally blind. Some think it's rather selective vision it has. Not legal blindness.
Love has a first cousin called Jealousy. They share a grandmother. The world normally struggles to tell the two apart.
But while Love is legally blind, as I've already specified above, Jealousy has eyes. Heart-piercing green eyes.

*And a day comes when Love gets to see...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Missing you MORE Today!

Philip Larkin had a point here...actually, he hit bulls eye; "They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had. And add some extra, just for you."
My own parents did the fucking up bit, and died. Leaving me to sort out all the fucked up mess they'd left behind on my own. Life is a sea of crap where we all get baptised in the minute we are conceived. It's a mess!
Don't mind me, I'm just bitter today. For a good reason. My mum has been under earth exactly a decade and three years just feels so wrong, G. It never stops hurting...

"Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a Coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can.*And dont have any kids yourself.*"
Too late for me though. I think I've already fucked up two little lives of my own:( They will thank me for all the fuckery I've unwittingly exposed them to later on in life. They will thank me for constantly making them listen to the likes of ADELE. Crippling their little emotions before they even get a chance to mature. Yes Adele, the soul artist. Another fucked up soul. How else does she come up with such unhappy lyrics?
*And I'm deeply and insanely in love with such unhappy soul. For real, I'm an unhappy messed up soul, myself!
But hey, messed up souls can make it big too. As messed up as they are:) Look at Adele...The Beyonces, Gagas and Rihannas better pray the world really ends on the 31st of December... before the Grammys. Adele is here to expose all lacklustre musical talents:)

*Rest in peace, Mum! We miss you so. It's lent season again here on earth. People are giving up things and activities they love for forty days in honour of Jesus Christ. Orama says he's giving up candy and Xbox 360, Tj refuses blatantly to give up the Nintendo Dsi. Even for the son of God. You see what you brought into the world? And Tich is giving up Nyash and pot. My idea:) I'm giving up laundry, cooking and all house chores. I'm sure Heavens will appreciate the

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Last month I became a very proud aunt of a very very chic little chick!
Behold the indisputable chicness; Mandisa Nikkita Busisiwe Mashininini.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gunners gunned down.

Football, what a sweet, cruel sport it is! Arsenal and Barca players saw fire last night. From balls getting grated, to bones breaking. Nasri was in a tsunami of tears in that pitch like a b**ch who'd had just been ditched...
It was one tough match! Not to mention savage. Hard luck for Arsenal, really. They played amazingly well, but those Spanish barbarians were just too possessed.

#highlight of the match: *Arsene Wenger's oversized jacket :)) Never in my life have I seen something so ludicrously oversized. I will never get used to laughing at it. That jacket should truly go in the Guinness world record.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Temperatures soaring among Arsenal and Barca fans. The ultimate war is on tonight, in about two hours. Ine waganyu wa Gunners basi:)

#today's confession: *I've done it with a girl before:)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Andy Carroll.

Andy Carroll - the ADONIS!
I'd spend an eternity just staring at him.
He is the most incredibly beautiful male creature I have ever laid my brown eyes on!
Sorry Petr Cech:( You are still amazing, though. At the goal post:)

Huge celebrations at Anfield. Liverpool showed Manchester United where the line between real boys and toddlers is drawn.
But Louis Suarez is such a drama queen! I can't stop laughing. Now I understand how he caused so much chaos at the WC in SA.

Man United still tops the English premier table with 60 points. Arsenal follows with 57 points, then Man City with 53 and Chelsea with 48.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


The day my full name makes it into the oxford dictionary as a verb is the day I would know I have truly made it:)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

-Serena Williams in hospital with pulmonary embolism:( That's the saddest news I've heard today. I sincerely hope she bounces back to health soon. Her fans miss her. And so do the tennis courts.

What in Jesus name happened to Jennifer Hudson? That bubbly chubby star of Dream Girls who stole millions of hearts at the 2007 oscars is now replaced by a lean thin stranger no one recognises. Ah, celebrities and their never-ending chase for perfection! I think Miss Hudson was completely charming with a lot more flesh.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hey G,

Do you know what they say about getting in an argument with fools? Well, no one notices the difference.
My email inbox is marinated in filth as I scribble this. Cruella De Ville graced it with a few of her nasty visits. Hell hath no wrath like a jealous woman with a scanty amount of self-esteem.
Anyway, that is that. Ine I'm still smiling. Kaya! Chelsea triumphed last night against Man U, my older son is student of the month, my sister just had a beautiful baby...I still have air in my lungs...The list to smile for is endless. I've been to hell and back so no ugly email is bold enough to break my metallic spirit. What do human beings achieve from belittling other human beings, seriously?
Truly, no amount of education can buy class!

Komano nsabwezi zitha bwanji? I'm not ready for another mpala:)