Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hey G,

Shaaz, the year is on such a speedy cruise...wonder where it's rushing to... Can you believe it's February already?

Anyway, I guess it's pointless to worry about the speed of time especially with all that I have in my life to worry about.

Have I ever told you Wednesday is my least favourite day? Yes, it is. Nothing glorious or productive ever happens on Wednesday. It's all mediocre to a point of sickness.
I never smile on wednesdays. If it ain't the postman I feel like strangling for bringing me bills, it's the animals.
Today has been the worst of all Wednesdays. Orama's best buddy got run over by a car in the neighbourhood. He's fine, no broken bones, but Orama is beyond traumatised. He saw the whole accident when it happened, and can't seem to get over it. I'm thinking of bringing him to a shrink...

Apart from the problems above, I am fine. Both physically and emotionally. I'm never ok mentally. But that never worries me. As long as I can read, write, and strike some interesting convo with the ceiling, nothing else matters. They do have so much to say these walls...
Did I tell you my young sister is in the family way? Yes, knocked up, again. Don't even mention it! It's sick. What happened to birth controls? After she hatches this particular foetus I'm castrating her partner. This world has enough idiots as we talk. My own two, plus her own, plus my best friend's... No need for any more.

You know G, I've never really sat down and thought of what race you are. I know you are a woman. Middle aged, not going through that most talked about crisis as such, but very wise. Apart from that, I know nothing else. There so much mystery surrounding you. Are you White, black, Indian, Chinese?
I so hope you are any other race, but White.
Because my reason for being here today has a lot to do with White creatures and their inventions, curiosity and more...
A White man is responsible for a lot of sinful acts of this world...a lot of mind corruption.
The issue is, one of my good buddies is going through a rough patch in her marriage right now. I know I shouldn't be blogging about people's private lives, especially my best friend's, but I feel I need to so other couples can learn from it.
It all began with my buddy denying her hubby what this foolish world calls his "bedroom rights". (Which fool started this whole dung of husbands having sexual rights? Total chauvinistic bull).
Anyway, the problem went on for a while before my buddy gathered up courage to talk to me. Why does every married woman I know think I'm the expert when it comes to marriage issues? Maybe I should go into business... start selling my
My buddy confided in me that there was zero action in their bedroom and it was taking a toll on their marriage. For real, for real. A subject that has caused too many a headaches, this Nyash. You can just imagine my speechlessness when she mentioned the name. I didn't know what to say to her, or where to begin. I felt like a creature with a serious case of aphasia. But I put on a brave face and tackled the difficult subject like a pro. I told her one or two things I know that do a great job of spicing up stale love affairs. But spice wasn't what my friend needed.
I really don't know if I should continue with this...
Well, since I've already started, I guess I better finish.
To cut the long story short, my buddy isn't happy that her hubby won't go down on in "eating her up"...
She wants to try all these sexual acts and positions and her partner won't meet her half way. Modernism has affected even our What would your response be caught in a situation I was caught in? What would your advice be?
Do you think he should grant her her wishes and chow her up?
Is buddy putting the partner in an awkward position by asking for stuff he doesn't believe in?
How do you compromise such a situation?

*The act of lovemaking was simple and straight forward before White man!

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