Sunday, July 18, 2010


I'm not really a Stephen King maniac, but once in a while when the monotony of reality sickens the core of my soul, I allow myself the bliss of getting lost in his surreal world through his books.
There are times when King's unearthly imagination really spooks the wit out of me, but mostly I'm flabbergasted by how he gets to fill up a million blank pages with spine-freezing fantasies every time he holds a pencil.
The guy is a genius, no doubt, but what I love most about his books are the personal notes he normally adds before and after each "horror". They are witty, and funny.

I'm sure you are wondering where am going with this?
Well, nowhere, really. This is an aimless scribble. Meaningless in every senseless sense. Does that make sense? Well, whatever!
King once said, (I think in "Just After Sunset") "writing short stories isn't the same as riding a bicycle, you can forget how."
I wonder if the same applies to blogging.. cuz lately, I seem to have lost the oomph I normally get once I come on this page. I just can't scribble..
Maybe it's because nothing worth scribbling is happening around this world...
Or maybe I've really forgotten how..
Well, I don't know.

Earth, what a boring place to be.!

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