Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Crazy life.

Today, as I was slowly driving to work, it suddenly struck me how strange life is. On an impulse, I pulled over a kerb, got out of the car and just stared in total disbelief at the surrounding beauty. It was as if I was seeing the world for the first time. I weirdly felt like a blind man who had just been given a special gift of sight.
I looked up at the blue sky, dazzling in every sense.
My eyes wandered a bit further across. Everything looked so richly green. The tall trees and grass beautifully danced to the sweet rythm of the breeze.
I went down on my knees to touch the slightly wet soil. It felt so unbelievably soft. Like baby powder.
Somewhere a bird shrieked. It sounded like Alicia Keys singing one of her sweet melodies.
I shook my head in complete awe and headed back to the car.

It was when I started the engine, that I started thinking. Surely all the beauty I'd just seen must have come from somewhere.
Someone with an oversized brain must have created the galaxy.
But who?
And where did he himself come from?

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