Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where could she be?

Its been more than two years since little Madeline Maccann disappeared without a trace. Everytime I see her little angelic face on TV or newpaper, my heart aches despairingly. I've so many times put myself in Madeline's parents shoes, imagining how they go about each day not knowing......having no slightest idea where their girl could be. Sometimes I close my eyes and try to count how many countries the earth has, then I start counting the cities......Madeline could be anywhere. But where exactly? And if she is somewhere in this vast planet, is she still alive?

Losing a child is a cruelly devastating experience no parent should have to go through, but what happened to the Maccanns, living their every days, not knowing what exactly happened to Madeline is just inexplicably horrible!

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