Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The pampered Brit's brat...

With only less than seven days till the most sought after Grand Slam of the year, Wimbledon, everyone is going crazy trying to come up with accurate winner predictions.

As usual, the Brit's brat, Andy Murray who recently won the Queen's Club title, has already started making empty threats of how he's raised his game for Wimbledon. Just like always, Murray has already forewarned the likes of Roger Federer, who is still reeling with pleasure over the French Open title, and Raphael Nadal to be extra vigilant for he is ready to destroy...

Should we take the Brit's number one's threats seriously this time?

I don't think SO!

It would be one icy cold day in hell before Andy "spoilt" Murray wins a Slam!

A broken glass.

Just like the pricky pieces from a broken glass, some things and situations need not to be fixed. A glassware shattered is irreparable - irretrievable. Better leave it alone.
If you are more than willing to endure painful bloody hands and ofcourse failure, then go ahead, try put back the pieces of a broken glass....

People often say its better to have failed than not to have tried at all. And that the most "dululu-bitter" regrets are the ones for words left unsaid, deeds left undone, problems unattempted businesses unfinished......
But you know what, lately I've realised that some words are better left unuttered...
I've realised that some businesses were never meant to be finished..unless you wanna open up old wounds..

Friday, June 12, 2009

Money talks!

Madonna has finally been given the go ahead to adopt baby Mercy. The same Malawian opharned toddler she was previously denied to adopt two months ago.
There isn't much I can say... but am glad. I'm sure everyone can now agree with everyone else that "big bucks talk big!"
With Baby Mercy's future secured, everyone wins!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where could she be?

Its been more than two years since little Madeline Maccann disappeared without a trace. Everytime I see her little angelic face on TV or newpaper, my heart aches despairingly. I've so many times put myself in Madeline's parents shoes, imagining how they go about each day not knowing......having no slightest idea where their girl could be. Sometimes I close my eyes and try to count how many countries the earth has, then I start counting the cities......Madeline could be anywhere. But where exactly? And if she is somewhere in this vast planet, is she still alive?

Losing a child is a cruelly devastating experience no parent should have to go through, but what happened to the Maccanns, living their every days, not knowing what exactly happened to Madeline is just inexplicably horrible!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I still haven't cried.

.......it stills feels like yesterday, even though its been fourteen years. The fuming stench of alcohol is still fresh in my mind; so unfamiliar then. I can still smell raw tobacco even with a heavily blocked nose. That red pool of blood will forever give me nightmares for I see it wherever I go. Even with my eyes closed and mind blank. I can still see myself motionless like a paused screen picture on my parent's bedroom door.
I'm just standing there. Helpless. Aimless.

In less than an instant, my whole world comes to a huge abrupt halt. My brain cells hibernate, my heart ceases beating, my soul freezes to subzero degrees.
The person I looked up to as my hero is lifelessly lying there, on that freezing floor, blood oozing from his mouth, nose and ears. Its such a ghastly sight.
Even though am numb all over, I know he is no more. My dearest dad is dead. And he's taken with him the remainder of my birthdays ahead. My thirteenth birthday has just turned into a funeral.
Only later do I get to realise that never will I see my dad again......nor smile on the day I was born. But I still haven't shed a tear.................

Safina vs Kuznetsova.

I know I pretty hinted as much that I wasn't going to watch the ladies French Open final, but I bet you knew it was anger talking.
I'm still very bruised over Serena's loss in the quarters to Kuznetsova, but that won't stop me from enjoying the final match. Hope it will all be worth negleting laundry for.

I really like Svetlana Kuznetsova. I think she is an amazing human being who happens to be a tennis star. Apart from Venus Williams, Svetlana is the only one I don't feel like strangling whenever she beats my Serena.
So she is my favourite to win this tournament round! The world number seven definitely deserves another Gland Slam title under her belt. She worked really hard for it. We both know downing Serena is not one of the easiest tasks....
Svetlana played splendidly against the mightier Williams in the quarters of the Slam. Even though her win put so much harm to my fragile heart and poisoned my mood, I still wish her the very best in the final!

Forgive me!

I don't really like going back to this silly blog, but once in a while, when I have absolutely nothing to do I go back and reread this nonsense I scribble. I must say most of what is in the blog is quite shocking!
Just the realization of how rude and horrible I can be at times, especially when am destructed emotionally, makes me pepper red in the face. I am not a very nice person, I suppose.....
And a lot of times I find myself getting really furious over crippled and brainsick spellings, sore grammar and nauseating style of writing. That only feels like sharp razors scraping my soul.

The Irish weather has been on such excellent behaviour for the past seven days, so am not gonna put too much negative energy in what am scribbling tonight. Ireland is one of those countries that was cursed with an inclement and unpredictable weather. The country is like deep-freezer cold....and its forever raining.... . And the occupiers of this freezing land hardly make it any easier with their sour attitudes that seem to match their weather. The Irish are so unpredictably moody! One minute they are all chitchat with you, the next they act like they've just met an alien from mars. Mostly, the poorer the weather, the fouler the moods.
As I already mentioned above, it has been really sunny since last week. The Irish are absolutely enjoying the bask and the gorgeous blue sky.
Beautifully tanned ladies in shorts and mini skirts are all over the place looking heart-bruisingly sexy. And the men are just irresistibly yummy with bulging biceps and six pacs visible to us all. I had no idea the opposite sex could be so ANNOYINGLY SEXY!
Everyone is smiling. Umbrellas, jackets and grumpy faces have been completely forgotten.
Its really amazing what sunshine can do to people!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Thou shall not shower with four year olds!

I have been taking a shower with my four year old since he was born. Yeah, I know you are frowning, but if your life was as hectic as mine, you would remove that smug off your face.

Ok, sometime around last year, my son looked at me with a question in his eyes. Then he went on asked why 'I did not have a 'willie' like him or his dad, or my other son'.
I told him I had one but somebody cut it off.
He sadly told me not to worry for he was going to get me a new one.
Let me quote, "don't worry mum, I will go to the shops and buy you a new willie, a pink one, Ok?."

Today was the most embarrasing day of my life. My four years of taking a shower with a yapping parrot have finally paid off.
I'd gone to pick this boy up from school, when he suddenly announced to the whole gang of mischievous little boys that my willie was cut off and he was saving money to get me another one. "guys, this is my mum, and she has no willie....."
If he had only said that, I could have handled the embarrassment. But he went on to say his dad was a very old man and had the biggest willie ever...................
The other mums and teachers could not stifle their mirth.
I wonder how in the world am gonna show my face at that play school again..........