Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Manchester United couldn't hold on.....

Manchester United fans all over the world should be having sleepless nights from tonight. I didn't really see the match for I was still not over the Bloody Barca robbing Chelsea in the semis of the Champion league.
Well, dung happens!
It should have been Chelsea, man.....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday is nothing but a memory.
Sometimes I wish memories never existed.
Coz it hurts so much to remember, especially the good times.
So many times I've wished upon the stars that Yesterday should come back.
But it never does....................

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Its on at Roland Garros.

Great news to all Tennis Junkies; The second Grand Slam of the year has finally begun in the City of Love, Paris.
If you are crazy about the game the way I am, then you probably have asked yourself the usual question; Who scoops the Grand prize this time around?

For Anna Ivanovic, who is the women's defending champion, the pressure is energy-supping. And frankly, the Serbian Chick hasn't been playing a heart-gripping tennis for sometime now. I seriously doubt she will even reach fourth round.
Its really hard to foretell who will come out tops among the girls.
Maria Sharapova is back, thank God, but she sucks on clay. And after being away for so long, she too doesn't stand a chance.
The French Open is the least of my favourite Grand Slams. Somehow the clay courts make players look like clumsy pregnant cattle on ice. And that's not fun to watch. Funny, yes, but you ask yourself; "are these amateurs or top players?" Even the mighty Williams sisters haven't been that successful in Paris. Ofcourse Serena, the youngest of the two has won the Slam once, in 2002, but with a great struggle. Will she be scoop it again this time, and make her eleventh Grand Slam title? Or is it Venus' chance to show the world she's not only dangerous on grass?
I guess we will soon find out.

While I can not predict the Winner for the female's draw, I am almost certain Raphael Nadal, who's been on the top spot in Men's tennis for sometime now, will remain undefeatable. I almost am sure he will win The French title consecutively for the 6th time. The Spaniard is just too good on clay.
Its up to Feds Express (Roger Federer) to decide otherwise, to finally put a stop to Rafa's reign. Or is it young Andy Murray's turn this time? The pampous Brit has been untouchable so far.
Lets see if he now has enough guts for a Grand Slam title.

A good two weeks of bliss to all my fellow tennis Junkies.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The 'madcap' housewives of Wisteria lane.

Wow, what else can I say?

The sexy housewives of Wisteria lane finished the season with one loud bang.

The kiss between Bree and Carl? Yoh, SO INTENSE! I so saw it coming.
The mentally challenged Dave has been instutionalised....finally he gets to mingle with people of his level.

The Scavos, my goodness....two more bunnies in the oven? You should have seen Tom's face when Lynette told him she was preggers again, "but we are old....." That was his short sentence in response to the news.
Come on, poor Tom wants to go back to college and study 'chinchan' (chinese) could that I laughed my head-off. Seriously speaking, Lynette and Tom are just a match made in that side of heaven where the word 'funny' originates from. I absolutely LOVE THEM!

Feeling, feelings, I mean 'sexual feelings' just can not be denied. Susan and Mike couldn't escape fate. The soul mates finally gave in to their long bated desires.

That was one long knee-buckling KISS!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 19th, 09.

If you are Malawian, chances are you've lost a couple of beauty sleeps over the oncoming election.

The May 19th song is like a bad nappy rash. I hear it endlessly left, right and centre.

Now my fellow Africans with the warmest hearts, no need to sweat any more for the day that has given us the most sleepless nights and bad migraines has almost arrived.

I am not to going vote myself, but I hope anyone who does, does so wisely.

May the best political party win!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The heart forever goes on!

At one point in our lives, the windows to our soul catch a glimpse of that one attention-grabbing object. Our whole beings get transfixed and minds muted.

In less than an instant, our little world turns topsy-turvy.

Our hearts miss a couple of vital beats, and their gateway open up wide, allowing that piece of treasure a grand entrance. That becomes an irreversible event; it can never be altered.

Our lives are forever changed.

We can run a million miles,

cross a billion oceans and seas,

We can even climb a trillion mountains, the size of Everest,

go to the moon a zillion times and back,

but we can never escape the grips of that object of our devotion,

the squeeze of that object of our affection,

That one person we love so dearly.

**The heart forever goes on**

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sport slaves.

One day, for some stupid reason, one just wakes up and decides a big chunk of their happiness would depend on a certain group of twelve grown men chasing after a ball, or a someone physically abusing a tiny lifeless little ball over and over across what looks like a fish net, or someone else doing something that does not make so much sense. That not-so-clever decision to idolise that somebody changes lives forever.

I'd love to tell the whole world that am clever enough; an exceptional...
I'd love to tell everyone am not a sport slave....
But unfortunately am one of the most stupid human beings....
Right about now, as am scribbling this, my mood stinks worse than rotten sewage.
And do you know why?
I will tell you:
1. Serena Williams out in the first round of WTA Rome tournament.
2.Chelsea.......what happened at Stamford bridge tonight is actually too painful for me to put it down......perhaps when I heal I will write something sensible and fair.
Right now I just wanna curse that good-for-nothing ref.....he is such a BUM!

But yet am also thinking, "why do I let myself go through this unnecessary pain of being a Chelsea or Serena slave when I don't even get paid for it?"
It seems people like us - sports fans, are so loyal, we would go an extra mile for our teams for absolutely no reward. Look at that Arsenal fan who hanged himself simply beause his team couldn't make it to the final...MADNESS!
Its a shame there seem to be so many of us, crazy people, out there who deliberately choose to be SLAVES - all in the name of sport!


I don't even know where to begin.....
How? Why????
Chelsea was almost there man.
It actually deserved to make it to the final.....
Anyway, BULL happens!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Serena Williams to pick up a pencil?

The female world tennis number 2 has revealed she would like to pick up a pencil and write.

Well, my reaction to the news has been nothing but mute.

Everybody knows how the younger of the Williams sisters operates on a tennis court - she can be untouchable when she wants to be. Very intimidating...

She often says, "I don't need a medal to prove am the world's best, for I am the best. And at my best, I can beat anybody including myself."

That is more than true. Serena Williams was born to be on court, no doubt!

But would anybody give her as much credit as a fashion designer or an actor?

I've seen Serena in action as an actor, on the American popular comedy, My wife and kids, and I must say I was not given enough goosebumps.

The tennis ace is not a natural actor. She more or less uses her brains to get into a character, and we all know that is not the same as being naturally talented.

I admit I haven't seen much of her sport fashion designer label, Aneres. But from what I've read and heard, Serena has not been getting positive reviews on that one either.

So she is thinking of scribbling? Well, I don't know, really. Somehow I can not picture Serena Williams with a bestseller.....I might be wrong.........

It'd would have made more sense if Venus had made that announcement. She is the deeper one of the sisters...and more committed too.

I guess, as Serena herself has pointed it out, nothing is impossibe!

No one like Wacko Jacko.

Early life

He was a little boy who made the most dramatic exit from the womb. His parents spotted his uniqueness right away.

He sang before he could talk.
Would always get serious whacks from his dad for being incredibly mischievous.

Besides being tiresomely defiant, the fact that this little guy was abundantly blessed outweighed all his naughty sins. His sublime personality and amazing talent drew both human's and animal's attention the way a bee would be drawn to a heavily after-shaved teenage boy.

The word 'star' was clearly imprinted on Michael Jackson's forehead way before he was born.

The result of Fame.

His prolific vocal codes flew him way higher than intended.
Fame in abundance made Jacko greedy. He could not get enough of being on top of the world.
Plentiful of US dollar notes, brought in stuff like 'bleach' that tortured his once beautiful brown skin, numerous knives with different shapes, that had no mercy on his flat nostrils - God, if there is a nose that has suffered beyond extreme measures, its Michael's...!

The more famous he got, the weirder he became.

From a very cute little black boy, to a sexless-looking, paranoid, white creature.

Fame took its toll in the most weird and wicked way possible!

Wacko Jacko.

Everyday new promising artists are born. Not all of them make it big, unfortunately. Its a cruel world, this entertainment industry.

And the ones who make it, not so many survive the scorching pressure that comes with fame - look at Britney Spears - from saint to fame-thirst vixen....

Anyway, I guess thats the price these rich and famous people pay for having filthy, fat bank accounts.

No wonder Micheal Jackson's looks, especially his nose paid massive.....

So many good voices before and after him, but none of them has generated so much fame or billion dollar bills the way Jacko did. He is indeed a true legend!

But what really brought Michael all the legendary success?

Well, all I know is, the one artists to beat Michael Jackson's record is yet to be born!

**I hear he has isolated himself from the world and people for he is afraid he might catch the deadly swine flu...HILARIOUS!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Another lazy long weekend amidst swine flu and recession.
It seems nothing interesting is going on around this world. Everytime I turn on the TV, all I see is pathetic green masks on peoples nostrils.
When I turn on the radio, all I hear is people cursing the finance Minister for the red minus symbols in their unfortunate bank accounts.
I know am weird, crazy maybe, but my hatred for CNN, Aljazeera and BBC news has just gone beyond its cracking point.
Everytime I hear the word 'news', my blood efferverntly boils in my veins.

I am not going to live forever, so why should I torture my poor soul following stuff that would only upset me?
People always say one day something serious will happen and I won't know about it for I never watch news. Well, ignorance is bliss!
Sorry guys, but I will stick with The Bold and the Beautiful even though it pisses me off sometimes - What's with Brook Logan anyway? The woman is like a pint being passed around some pitiful inebriates in a dilapidated shabeen.
Days of our lives is brilliant. I just melt away seeing the love between Sean Brady and Belle Black - so intense, so real..... it somehow reminds me of....
And Isidingo... whats with Zebedia Matabane? Jeez, that man needs somebody to hammer some sense into his thick head.
Ok, enough of these soapies. And I aint gonna talk about football or tennis or how I have never understood men.....
Oops, my head has just ran out of writing petrol!