Saturday, August 18, 2012

Orama Can't make sense of girls...

My seven year old son came home one day with his head down, deep in sadness. I asked him what was wrong, and he confided in me that a girl he had been trying to win just told him off in front of all the other kids.
I assured him not to worry, that all would be well again in the morning. And just like I said to him, all was indeed well the next morning, the sun rose like it always does, and life went on ahead.

Today, this same boy comes to me - yes, again - this time not sad but flustered - very flustered - and tells me he's done trying to make sense of girls. You should have seen the shock in my face! For a few minutes I was numb and unable to find my voice. Questions, and not answers vehemently nagged at me; "How come?"
"Has my seven year old boy just declared he's done trying to understand the fairer sex?"
"What crazy direction is this world taking?"
When I finally found my voice from where it had hidden, I asked him what was up?
This is what he said in verbatim:
"You know this girl that I like, Gabrielle, she told me last week that we no longer friends and won't play with me ever or invite me to her birthday party. But now when I was outside playing with my other friends, she out of the blue starts crying asking why am not playing with her? She goes on and on saying it's not fair on her that I have to play with other boys and girls and not her. And mum, she kept crying and went to tell her dad on me."
What was a mother supposed to say to that?
What advice could she have given a confused seven year old fruit of her loins?
Well, this is what I say to him: "Orama, don't worry. Little girls can be irrational sometimes. It's in their nature. Nothing to work yourself up over, really. But next time you see your Gabrielle, tell her you are still her friend even though you have other friends. It's normal to have other friends besides your best friend."
"Mum, believe me, I tried that. She just kept crying," Orama said.
"Don't worry, she'll come around before you know it and you guys will be back to being best buddies again." I reassured him.
"Well mum, I don't think so!"

Really and truly, I need a Beer.

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