Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back to School

The boys went back to school today after exactly two months at home.
They were so excited!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Child Birth or Wisdom tooth extraction?

It's almost 12 midnight and I'm alone in our sitting area, like a mfiti, waiting for Serena Williams first round match at Flushing Meadows, USA.
Besides the amount of frustration over the wait which promises to be long, one of my wisdom teeth is up to no good. Throbbing like there's no tomorrow. I'm in so much pain, yet I can't miss Serena's match.

These are the questions that are making a lot of noise in my mind right now; which pain is worse, pushing a little life into this world, or pulling out a wisdom tooth?
Which is more terrifying; birth, death or the dentist?

Monday, August 27, 2012

US Open Tennis 2012

Today is the first day of slamming at Flushing Meadows, and it's lashing cats and rats. Play has been suspended on all courts (to my annoyance) and no one is sure when it shall resume.

*Let's me touch base with Fifty Shades Freed whilst I wait...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Joyeux Anniversaire to that special boy I used to know, now a man I don't know.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Brutus vs Mark Antony - The battle of Speeches

"...not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate; I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him: but as he was ambitious, I *SLEW* him.

"The *NOBLE* Brutus hath told you Caesar was ambitious. If it were so, it was a grievous fault. And grievously hath Caesar answered it. Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest - for Brutus is an *HONOURABLE* man...

Whose speech is articulately composed between Brutus' and Mark Antony's?
I've always thought Brutus' speech genius. But well, Brutus himself is genius.
Think of it, who else would Premeditate their best friend's murder with more efficiency and perfection than Brutus?
Who would, soon after accomplishing the best friend's murder mission, stand before a grieving nation and give such a well composed, eloquent speech? Only Brutus!

Mark Anthony's speech is just as good. But yet, not just as good!
I think for me his speech is too calculating therefore lacks that genuine semblance. It's also too long and repetitive hence a little boring.
Other than that, both speeches have a certain word that changes everything...

In Brutus' speech, the word is SLEW. It's cold, heartless and unforgivable, therefore brings upon his downfall.
In Mark Antony's, the word is HONOURABLE. He cleverly stresses it through out the speech with an intention... Yes, an intention to turn the whole nation against the "honorable" Brute, which is eventually what happens.
Power-hungry Mark Antony.

Oh, I just love Shakespeare!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Orama's girls woes continue...

Yesterday Orama had his 9 year old cousin over for a visit. The two spent the whole day playing XBOX and therefore didn't get a chance to go outside to play.
Orama's "girlfriend" (yes, the last I wrote they'd fallen out and broken up.. Well, they got back together the following day. Lol) came calling for him at one point but he told her he couldn't go out cause he was busy with his cousin. The girl started crying again. I could hear Orama frustrated, trying to explain to her that he only gets to see his cousin once in a while so she should try to understand his reasons for not wanting to go out to play...
Well, this morning she came for him, all red in the face, and demanded he make it up to her for choosing his cousin over her.
It's hilarious, really. And shocking at the same time that an eight year old girl could be so relentlessly bossy and obsessed. Perhaps obsessed is not the word... I don't know.
The world has changed so much since we were small children playing with clay.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Orama Can't make sense of girls...

My seven year old son came home one day with his head down, deep in sadness. I asked him what was wrong, and he confided in me that a girl he had been trying to win just told him off in front of all the other kids.
I assured him not to worry, that all would be well again in the morning. And just like I said to him, all was indeed well the next morning, the sun rose like it always does, and life went on ahead.

Today, this same boy comes to me - yes, again - this time not sad but flustered - very flustered - and tells me he's done trying to make sense of girls. You should have seen the shock in my face! For a few minutes I was numb and unable to find my voice. Questions, and not answers vehemently nagged at me; "How come?"
"Has my seven year old boy just declared he's done trying to understand the fairer sex?"
"What crazy direction is this world taking?"
When I finally found my voice from where it had hidden, I asked him what was up?
This is what he said in verbatim:
"You know this girl that I like, Gabrielle, she told me last week that we no longer friends and won't play with me ever or invite me to her birthday party. But now when I was outside playing with my other friends, she out of the blue starts crying asking why am not playing with her? She goes on and on saying it's not fair on her that I have to play with other boys and girls and not her. And mum, she kept crying and went to tell her dad on me."
What was a mother supposed to say to that?
What advice could she have given a confused seven year old fruit of her loins?
Well, this is what I say to him: "Orama, don't worry. Little girls can be irrational sometimes. It's in their nature. Nothing to work yourself up over, really. But next time you see your Gabrielle, tell her you are still her friend even though you have other friends. It's normal to have other friends besides your best friend."
"Mum, believe me, I tried that. She just kept crying," Orama said.
"Don't worry, she'll come around before you know it and you guys will be back to being best buddies again." I reassured him.
"Well mum, I don't think so!"

Really and truly, I need a Beer.

Fifty Shades of Grey...

I'm done reading Fifty Shades of Grey - the first one written of the trilogy - it is where all the madness begins. I think a million shades of fu**** up is more appropriate a title.
DAMN! I really don't know what to say or think of EL James' fantasies anymore...
I've experienced a myriad of emotions while reading some romantic novels, but Fifty Shades has totally disconcerted my soul.
One minute I'm so needy (carnally) and the next I'm in the bathroom literally feeling sick. I don't know, really...

Christian Grey is a man of substance - True SUBSTANCE! However, I don't think he's the kind of man I'd give my heart freely to. I don't think I'd want him anywhere near my dreams and fantasies either. He's truly fucked up!!! Anastasia Steele seems to have an idea of what she wants. But what she doesn't know is how emotionally and (possibly) mentally screwed she really is (too). Yes, you have to be totally alien - inhuman to even consider the thought of being Christian Grey's submissive!
Jaysus!!! Cuffs, butt plugs, floggers, canes, silver balls... Anal fisting... That's not my ideal idea of pleasure. CERTAINLY not!

Getting ready for Fifty Shades Freed. The title on it's own gives me some small shred of hope...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fifty Shades Darker

Huuuh! I'm done reading the 'first' of the trilogy of Fifty Shades. For reasons you'd not understand, I started with Fifty Shades Darker - which was written second. I'm like that when it comes to trilogies. I never begin with the first one written. It would be a taboo if I did. One day I'll explain my reasons ;)

So Fifty Shades Darker... Damn.!
I'm a bundle of mixed emotions. Craving loving that only Grey can give a girl. I'm all raw and tender in so many zones of my anatomy...
Just a touch, and a huge explosion will occur. Lol

I'll write a review of the trilogy after I've read the two remaining books.
I'm now reading Fifty Shades of Grey - the first one.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Tich!

Today is my husband's birthday. He turns as old as grass. Lol.
Well, I wish him love, happiness and all the greatest things the world has on its menu to offer. He's my love, my best friend and my greatest critic.

Through thickness and thinness together we have been...
Through the woods...
So much we've withstood
But firm we've stood.
And there's also been the good
Oh, the greatest love in the hood
It almost tastes like food...
I wouldn't change a thing if I could!

Happy Birthday big guy!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Silly Me...

I am a hungry soul.A very very hungry soul.I didn't have anything to eat the whole day today.I had money for lunch but I chose to purchase a trilogy of Fifty Shades instead.I don't regret my stupidity and silliness.I am a hungry, very happy soul!!!And I am not sleeping tonight.Or the next night.I think I'll eat, drink and sleep Fifty Shades.Oh how my soul rejoices...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This puzzle called my life

Today I discovered one more missing piece of my life's brain-bashing puzzle.
Growing up, I always wondered why I was so clumsy? I wondered why I was forever breaking dishes, why things would easily slip out of my fingers???
Well, it turns out I was born left-handed. Yes, I am a southpaw who was trained as a child to use the right hand to keep the term taboo from setting foot on my grandma's doorstep.

The Nkunga's Quartet

Lol. This was a couple weeks ago when myself and this kid I share the same DNA with got drunk out of our already depleted wits and decided to revive our family quartet which passed sadly away more than a decade ago. Well, it didn't work as well as we thought it would. As you can see it was a disaster! Definitely not X factor/Idols material. Lol

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Serena Grabs Gold at the Olympics 2012

I'm just after seeing the ladies tennis final at the olympics. My God, what a phenomenal match! Excellent!!!
Maria Sharapova has been shown how great players do it at great events. 6-0, 6-1, just Unbelievable!

Well done Serena!
You finally got that gold medal you despairingly dreamed of. All is now complete!!! My life is complete.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but silence completely puts out the last smoldering embers of love making it colder. That's what the chiming clock has taught me along the way.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sleep Soundly, Maeve Binchy!

Maeve Binchy, one of the finest Irish authors of all time has passed away at 72 years of age. I'm really disheartened by this sad news! Binchy was one of the first authors whose work gave so much pleasure to my soul. She contributed a great deal in turning me into a book worm I am today.
The literary world has surely lost one of its very best! It's heartbreaking to think that there will never be another great novel or short story from the deceased. But I'm glad that through her previous work, Binchy shall continue to breathe in our hearts.