Friday, June 29, 2012

Why I have so few exes?

There's one thing I never get tired of thanking my parents for: Their gift to me of a sister.
She is the most beautiful being in the universe. She is also my bestest friend. We have our few tiffs now and then just like normal humans do - some of them really serious - but that has never interfered with the strong bond we have. It gets tighter every day.

Last night this lovely sister of mine and I were having one of our lengthy phone conversations we always have that annoy so many creatures of earth. We spoke for hours about our parents, grandparents, we spoke about our stresses while growing up, our highs... And then we spoke about exes. Yes, as in ex boyfriends.
She told me how she and one of her exes would drink all night and sleep all day. She also told me how she broke another ex's nose while on the piss. I told her how my ex and I would walk long distances to nowhere like destitutes...
Now, this is the question my sister asked me while having our talk that prompted me to write this post: "But Hannah, how come your list of exes is that short, how come you got so few of them?"
I didn't know what to say to her then. Truthfully because I didn't know the answer to the question.
But while I lay on my bed later reminiscing about the past, suddenly all was clarified in my head. The reason why I have so few ex boyfriends isn't because I'm such a hard nut to crack, no. It's because I'm one of those few human beings who never get into a relationship minus a spark of love. To people like us love is so serious a business there is no room for experimenting and breaking hearts in the process. I learnt from my first relationship that you can't force yourself to feel what you don't feel. It has to happen involuntarily or else it's all wrong. I didn't get it right in my second relationship either. But at least I'd learnt then not play with people's feelings. I realized early enough that I didn't feel what I was meant to feel so I got out of the relationship in time before causing any irreparable damage to some heart. It was my third relationship that eventually taught me how it really feels like when you finally get it right. There was no mistake there. It was just like hitting an anaconda's eye with an arrow from a thousand miles away. At times I even felt like the relationship was too perfect to be right. But it was just right! I didn't have to make an effort to love. Or sweat profusely to feel. Unfortunately it didn't last. So much unpleasantness may have occurred, so many wrongs, but I will always be thankful the relationship lasted long enough to teach me how it truly feels like to grasp love in your hands and cherish it forever.
I rang my sister this morning to give her the answer. She didn't understand. Just like she always doesn't understand. She called me a freak and other weird names. But I don't mind. She is what she is, and I am what I am. At the end of the day we try and understand each other...

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