Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weirdness in dreams...

It's the third day of Wimbledon, I don't know if it's the excitement of all the slamming, but my dreams have taken back the weird lane. An extreme weird lane, that I'm starting to doubt my sexuality. Last night was really freaky!

I dreamt I had met Alicia Keys in flesh. Yes, the same Alicia Keys... We were like the best of buddies in the dream. She came to my place for a hangout, and I suggested we go and just chill in the blankets. Just the two of us, doing nothing. She agreed right away and we made our way to my room. Weird, right? Anyway, she was with baby Egypt, and I took him from her and put him to sleep in his Moses basket which was on the bedroom floor just beside my bed. When baby Egypt was asleep, I took off my clothes and joined Alicia on the bed. She was already inside the covers.
The moment I got beside her and covered myself, Alicia started touching me in the most sensual way I've ever been touched by a woman or man. I instantly felt this powerful love shock bolting through my body straight to my soul. I was melting all over like a microwaved chocolate. Though I didn't understand what was happening, I liked it so damn bad and couldn't resist touching Alicia back in the same sensual way. And darn, what my exploring hands discovered during their exploration... You'd never believe it! Alicia Keys actually had a man's weapon... A man's weapon as in a man's 'private part'. Instead of getting a jolt of my life upon the unbelievable discovery, my excitement went up a gear. There was no turning back. I actually teared Alicia's expensive clothes off and could not wait a second longer for the inevitable finish...

Dear, what a crazy dream!
After trying to decipher it for hours this morning, I'm actually wondering whether one of my alter egos is lesbo still afraid to come out of the closet...
Or maybe I am lesbo...

Forget you read this post! Let's move on to Wimbledon!!!!

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