Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm Sad :(

If anyone had asked me two or three years ago what motivates me to scribble persistently, I would without a single element of doubt tell them that sadness does. I'd walk on feet around the universe defending the notion. But three days ago I learnt the hard way that when real sad shite comes knocking at your door, even the therapeutic pencil gets too heavy on your fingers... The key pad too sticky and unresponsive, and the mind too poisoned to think of anything else besides the sadness. Three years ago, I also believed that the hardest thing anyone can ever come face to face with is witnessing someone they love love another. But now I know the hardest, most debilitating thing any human can go through is having to watch a person they love the most cry and not having a single clue on how to stop their tears, or ease their pain!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Rocky Rama" The Best dancer in the world!


Politics and Opportunism - Malawi

There are times when I choose to lay on my back facing the beautiful turquoise sky high above and wonder about so many things...a lot of things. I wonder why people lie. I wonder why they die. I wonder about the complexity that is involved in tying and a neck-tie. And I wonder about the sadness that follows the word goodbye. Yes, I wonder about so many things; like the true meaning of the term meaningless... But most of all, I wonder why a lot of Malawians choose to become politicians??? A few days after the sudden, unfortunate passing of Malawi President, Bingu Wa Mutharika, a lot is beginning to make sense... A lot has been clarified. Like why the Republic of Malawi still seems like a one political party nation... Like why the other democratic parties have less power... The passing of Bingu Wa Mutharika has opened my eyes to the sad fact that there are only a few true principled politicians in Malawi. The ones who are not motivated by greed and would forever remain loyal and firmly behind their original political parties regardless of who or what is ruling. The rest are mere leaches... Opportunists, hungry for a fat paycheck. Disgustingly sad! I'm with Chancellor College's Blessings Chinsinga on the DPP Cabinet Ministers and MPs who have now shamelessly joined the new ruling party; they are the same sick opportunists who greedily jump from one ruling party to another for the benefit of their own selfish needs. They always end up blemishing the whole nation with their stinking selfishness. When the late President endorsed his brother, Peter Mutharika, as the next DPP presidential candidate, all consented (like coward-like dogs with tails in between their legs) except Joyce Banda and a few others who got unceremoniously fired from the party as a result. The rest could not find courage to go against Bingu the "Njanji". None of them cared for Mai Banda, or what she was standing up for. Is it just incredible how these very same people who vowed to be behind DPP always are now the ones abandoning it - and mind me, when their leader's blood is still warm in his veins? Yes, that's is exactly what defines politics in Malawi :GREED! Oh yes, these people who condemned Joyce Banda for dissenting with the President's wishes and forming her own political party are the very same ones who want to join her now. The very same people who had a hand in bringing the Malawi economy into the gutter, the same ones who were so apprehensive to point out the wrongs of their now deceased ruler... That's just so AMAZING!!! But I say no to the amazingness. I say no to rubbish. And I hope Her Excellency echoes my thoughts and says a BIG no. It's time for change. Real change. New President, new party, new faces and minds in the parliament.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Orama!

What a blessed Sunday it's been, Bingu has died, Jesus has risen, and my first born son Orama has turned 7 years! Yes, blessed in every sense and sensibility of the word. I hope that makes sense :) I can't believe my precious baby boy is now seven. It feels like only this afternoon when I was washing him in the kitchen sink for he was grievously tiny the tub was too huge for him. It feels like yesterday when he was getting drunk on my alcohol-contaminated breast milk and slept all day. I'm crying. This time tears of uncertainty; tears of ambivalence. I don't know whether to feel happy or sad that my baby is growing up. Apart from all that, I wish him a splendid birthday. He may never get a chance to read these silly, slushy posts I write for him, but I hope he always knows how greatly proud I am of him. Even when he's driving me nuts bending most of the house and school rules... HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Rocky Rama"!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Her Excellency Madame Joyce Banda!

How does that sound? I think just perfectly RIGHT! So it's official now; Ryson Webster Thom is no more. To dust he has returned. I'm still sad over it for death in general has never given me a reason to celebrate, but I'm also glad for the change of leadership for Malawi. Truthfully I'd have preferred the deceased knocked over from power via referendum. Death is so easy an escape. It has never given me the satisfaction. Talk of flat endings!!! Anyway, I'm not here croak. Or joke. And I'm definitely not here to mock. I'm rather here to talk highly of the brand new African female president. Yes, I'm just after seeing Joyce Banda, who till today has served as vice president of Malawi, being sworn in as the new head of state. I cried! Tears of jubilation. The woman sounded so warm, so sincere, it was hard not to get dramatically emo. The warm heart of Africa anguishly needs a warm woman's touch.. Joyce, the only choice, the only voice! May she love and take good care of Malawi the same way she would her own home. And may she nurture its people the same way she would her own children. JAH BE ETERNALLY GLORIFIED!!! Hannah Nkunga at 11:19 AM Hannah Nkunga

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Malawi government is yet to make an official announcement of its president's demise which is believed to have occurred on Thursday, the 5th of April 2012. Bingu Wa Mutharika who was serving his second term as president suffered a cardiac arrest early on thursday and passed away later in the afternoon. In the mean time till the next general election, the vice president, Madame Joyce Banda automatically takes over power as per constitutional requirement. But why the prolonged silence from the government?

Bingu Wa Mutharika Passes Away

The president of Malawi, Bingu Wamutharika, has passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest on Thursday the 5th of April, 2012. I'm must admit, the guy wasn't one of my most favourite people, but I'm greatly saddened by his sudden, unexpected passing. Death (even that of the most wicked, wretched person) always brings out the most hidden part of humanity in us all. *Sleep well, Kahuna* So does this conclude that TB Joshua is a true medium of the one High above since he prophesied the doom that has now come to pass? What will happen to Malawi now?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chelsea in the Semis of Champions League...

Who'd have thought, or dreamt of such an incredible outcome for the Blues especially after a rotten season they've had? Who'd have thought, hey? But that's the real story around earth; Chelsea, whether anyone likes it or not, are undubitably in the top 4 of the most sought after football championship! Allow me to say: YAY!!! *I have to get my claws on Hunger Games QUICK!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Sweet Smell of Success!

Hey my most gorgeous, most charming readers, just to let you know my second book is almost done "cooking" now. Yay! Expect it ready before end of this summer. I suggest you should all start to salivate this minute. Lol And for those of you who still haven't got your lovely hands on Insanity Resides on Facebook, hurry, and find the quickest way to Amazon now :)