Friday, October 8, 2010

Conjugal Battles: The conclusion.

Hey all you lovers out there,
I had what I call "mind paralysis" hence my inability to finish the battle I started here.

Yes, conjugal battles. That's the definition of a million marriages around the world.
But why?

As men are from mars, and women from Venus, their libido levels are also totally different.
Beasts called men are forever on for a romp. All the time. They always have the urge to go on top no matter the situation. And the majority of the fairer sex is satisfied with a mind-blowing loving only a few days a week.
That's when the wars in between the sheets begin.
The man is not getting enough, and he is furious, and the woman is having way too much. She's actually gagging and choking on it!
So he starts whining, and she starts hating.
And the more he whines, the further away her emotions are pushed, ergo, the lesser the love making.

If you are female there's is a good chance you've questioned your sexual health. You've asked yourself, (or perhaps visited a specialist) if you are the only woman who hates her husband and her bed?
Don't worry, you are not alone. And hating your husband because he wants to be forever on top of you is normal.
What happens is, when a woman gets married, she is advised never to deny her husband in bed. No matter how sick, or tired.
I was told by one of my nosy aunties on my wedding night that, "Hannah my daughter, I know you are a hot head and all, but please when you get married, never ever refuse your husband. Or else he will look somewhere else."
I thought that was utter nonsense!
Let me tell you women, "If a man wants to leave you, not even the greatest sex would make him stay.
And if he loves you, no amount of sex starvation is enough to make him leave. A man only leaves because he wants to leave. Period!
Anyway, after all is said and done, sex is important between couples. Married, or living in sin, (cohabitting) you need the physical bonding.
And to avoid heated conflicts and wars in the bedrooms, I advise couples to try their best and meet each other half way especially sexually.
Communication and compromise. Very important in every relationship.
No man wants his woman to lie there like a deceased log whilst doing her. And no woman wants to be done like a prostitute - no emotion, whatsoever.
Sex has to be enjoyed. It's an act of love. At it's best, it's the sweetest act any two lovers can ever engange in. And at it's worst (when only one person is in the mood) it's the ugliest.
Love is real, and marriage isn't that bad. It can even be close to bliss at times.

So all you couples out there, never let sexual misunderstandings ruin your good relationship.
It can and once that happens, turning back the clock is almost not possible.

The End!

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