Sunday, September 26, 2010

Conjugal Battles...continued..


If there is one bleak, depressing thing in life (besides biting the dust, of course, but close) that's waiting. It can do a lot of damage to your happiness.
I hope I didn't make you wait for this next blog for too long.

So, I was on about married couples behind locked bedroom doors and sealed curtains.
What really goes on there?
Trust me, it's not all honey, or sweetness, or fructose, or chocolato.....,or whatever kind of sugar you have in mind.

For me to get safely where I'm going with this, the congugal battle front, I have to get to the root of this whole marriage thing.
Why homo sapiens make a heavy decision to live monotonously ever after, for better or for worse.


Even though people marry for different reasons, almost all marriages involve sex. Whether accidental, or arranged.
But here I'll focus more on what happens inside the bedrooms of a "normal marriage". By normal marriage I mean the one that takes place after two people of the opposite sex fall head-overheels in love, they can't picture themselves apart. When the cupid's sharp arrow strikes.
*Yeah, love is real, and sex is sweet...until you make a mistake of tying a knot!*

So Here is how the bedroom battles begin:
Its the same old story, boy meets girl, their central nervous systems take an insane turn. Suddenly, they are on a sugary rollercoaster. Stupidly outwitted by the magic called love.
And the kind of love I'm talking about here is the one that comes with the overpowering desire to take each other's clothes off. Sexual..
The sweetness of this love, or should I say sex, breeds selfishness. Boy and girl now want to be the only souls on earth to feel the way they do. And they want the feeling to last forever.
They want to be able to take each other's clothes off any time they desire, for the rest of their lives. The power of sex. It stops one from thinking straight.

So yeah, boy and girl sign the "till death do us part" contract and settle. They are blissfully basking in marital joy. At "it" like rabbits on heat.
Oh yeah, the honeymoon phase. They have all the time love and energy in the world to lovingly "wrestle" each other. But the heavenly phase, unfortunately, only lasts a while...
*until the wife starts hating her husband and her bed*
catch me in the continuing blog next week:)

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