Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I love to hate my first Love..

Because after reaching the end of the road, after the tears were cried and dried,
after all was written, said and done,
he still lives inside me.
he still has the firmest grip on my soul.
How that is even possible, I have no clue!

He is the only one in the world I wish I could forget.
And the only one I'd love to always remember forever.
He is the only one I love with a passion so searing,
and the only one I hate with a viciousness so frightening.
Oh how I love him!
And boy how I hate him!

Why did he have to be so damn lovable?
That's a characteristic flaw of unimaginable magnitude..., (being so lovable).
So yeah, I hate him.
Simply because I am unable to erase the times he loved me so unselfishly...
Simply because I'm unable to erase the smiles he put on my face..
Simply because I haven't been able to compare anyone else to him,
simply because he is irreplaceable..
So It's much easier to hate him.
If only it wasn't so difficult...
Cuz even as I hate him with all the viciousness my soul could gather, it hurts so bad to know that my heart will beat for him till I kick that old famous bucket.

*une histoire d'amour et triste*

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