Friday, February 12, 2010

A week-end of amour.

Once again the world is transformed into dazzling colours of amour. The "forevers", the fluffy lovable, huggable bears are beautifully scattered all over halls and malls. And we've got these little hearts all around us. Planet earth is profusely bleeding of love!

Saint Valentine's day.

Somehow I still haven't come to understand the purpose of this day of love.
Besides retailers pocketing thousands in their already obese pockets, there isn't any real meaning to the 14th of Feb.
I have always felt love should be spread among the occupiers of earth on daily basis. Lovers should actually smother each other with endless passion every minute of their lives. Why should there be only one day to show your loved one how you feel about them when the calender has almost 366 days in it? That's nonsense.
We should all be able to bleed tsunamis of love with every second of the clock. We should always let the people we care about how much meaning they bring into our lives all the time.
I know most of you are thinking of the expenses of romance, and you are sulkily saying to yourselves, "how does one afford chocolates and flowers everyday in this brutal recession?" And some of you guys are gloomily thinking, " I definitely can't afford to take my chic out for a meal on my tight-budgetted social welfare money..."
Let me remind you, love isn't at all about how much we spend on our loved ones. In fact, as they say, the best and most meaningful things in life are free, yeah, that's an absolute truth! Love is free. No price tags, whatsoever on it.
So don't sweat or lose sleep over flowers and cards. Just that smile on your face, the look of red hot passion in your eyes, that phone call just to tell them you are thinking of them, that aimless walk to nowhere with them...those are always enough for the precious heart of that special one. More than enough to bring an eternal amorous inferno in your loved one's soul.

Happy Valentine to everyone!
And happy birthday to my darling little sister!!!
*** this time around, don't bite your man for not buying you two presents (a birthday, and's one) it ain't his fault you decided to pop into this world on valentine's day :)

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