Friday, February 26, 2010

The Heart does mend.

"fly away my heart don't despair, the world is full of joy, you cry, you smile then you dance, ooh, ooh...." That's one motivating track by Judith Seiphuma, there. I find my self singing it everytime the world gets bitchy, heavy and sore. It certainly has a soothing effect.

The not-so-shocking news around the world now is, Ashley and Cheryl Cole's pending divorce.
Cheryl's beautiful face, minus her heartmelting smile this time around is on every news paper and magazine. Every nosey journalist wants to get a piece of her soul. These gossip vultures pretend to sympathize with the sexy X factor judge when all they want is a chunky juicy column for every Tom and Dick to see. Being a celebrity is crap!

So like Tiger Woods and John Terry, Ashley is a naughty dude. But he is human. And like all humans, he's prone to humanly temptations. He should have been strong, but he wasn't. Ashley listened to his heated loins, had some soul-numbing pleasure for probably a minute, and now he's going to lose the best thing thats ever happened to him forever. We all pay for our sins one way or the other, nothing new, just the way how this crappy, but sugary life goes.

Anyway, the story is, we all get our hearts tampered with in life. And sometimes we succumb to temptations and break a couple of other hearts. But we shouldn't hang ourselves over it. We all slip.. And sometimes really badly. But we should always remember that no matter how many pieces one's heart is broken into, it eventually mends.
Cheryl's world might have been turned upside down, and Ashley is probably being tortured by guilt, maybe kicking himself in the balls for being stupid, but life goes on. Eventually her pain will subside, and his guilt will lessen. Eventually both these disheartened lovers will fall in love again with other people and the clock will keep on ticking.

The most important thing for anyone in Cheryl or Ashley's situation is to keep in mind that it all shall come to pass.

Relationships come to an end all the time. It's sad, and painful, but we move on finally. No one stays heart broken forever. And as life goes on, we get to realize the reason the relationship ended in the first place, and we thank our stars.

So, to Ashley my advice is, wallow in your misery for now, bruise those balls for getting you in shite, but remember to forgive yourself.
And to Cheryl, finish Judith Seiphuma's song: " celebrating life is good, but not without a cry..."

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