Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Alexandra's "Bad boys"

"I know am playing with fire but I don't mind... coz bad boys are always catching my eye.."

Wow...., I say, Wow!
I knew Alexandra Burke's debut single was going to be a blast, but I didn't expect it to be this good!
I love the song "Bad boys".....its...., lets see, can I use the word "delicious" to describe how good it Yeah, for me Bad boys is one delicious track!
I am horribly fussy when it comes to my favourite music. If I don't fall in love with a song the first time its played, I know its definitely out, forgotten. Just the way I am when it comes to matters of the heart; it just has to be at first sight....
Everything about "Bad boys" is a million dollar worth. Actually priceless. The lyrics, which I'm sure most girls can relate to, are good...., very good, actually. The only adjective that justifies Alex vocals in this song is "sublime". Surely the girl put all she got into this masterpiece. And the rhythm is just heavenly. It takes me to that peaceful place....
What I love more about the song is that besides being incredibly excellent, its also danceable.
Its unfortunate dancing isn't one of my specialties.... I suck big time at it. But for everyone else who can bend the skeleton, thats the song for you....make it proud, make Alex proud!

Big up to Alexandra! She surely makes her X factor mentor's new single sound.....aaaarrgh...I better not say.

****This is Whitney Houston week on X factor. Yes, Whitney the legend.... Can somebody pliz fastforward the days? Coz I just can't wait!!!!!*********

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The others.

We wake up every morning from our restful nightly slumber happy and content that we are still breathing.
We look at the sky, and the beautiful green world surrounding us and thank the stars we were given the gift of life.

But what if this whole thing called life is nothing but an illusion?
What if we are actually dead, and our houses are really our graves, and this whole world a massive graveyard?
What if birth is really death, and death, birth, and the ones we think dead, are the ones who are truly alive?

What if we are actually ghosts, phantoms; troubled corpses in denial?

What if Nicole Kidman's movie "The Others" is actually a true story?
I think Stephen King has messed with my soul...
***no need to be spooked out of your wits...its just a possibility****

"The Chipanti mystery"

For reasons that seem to make sense only to me, I ditched the world's sickest social chain; Facebook.

Anyway, my sister who is one big FB sicko thinks I'm totally losing my marbles and missing all the fun by staying away from the network.
So she makes sure she rings me 4 or 5 times a day just to let me know what her fellow sickos are up to. I tell you, its always a crack to hear the latest mental updates...

A few days ago she rang me saying, "ndikukuuza Han, I think aMalawi atopa ndi ulemu."
I asked her why she thought so, and she said every person in Malawi had "Chipanti" as their status update.
I laughed coz the name Chipanti reminded me of a certain mischievous incident in Secondary School.....
Anyway, I told my sis that maybe it was some sick new song or something....
She agreed with me, and said whilst choking on her mirth, "for real Han, umuuze mzako wadzina lamisala uja kuti achepetse ma drugs..."
I was lost...
"haibo Esie, whatchu mean by that, mzanga wakenso uti?"
And then I remembered..."Charmer"
My friend Mkotama, whom I nicknamed Charmer is the only person I could think of, who is crazy and talented enough to come up with such a song..
I couldn't stop laughing. turns out, Charmer isn't guilty as charged. Chipanti is not even a song, but some freaky lunatic in Malawi who was raping and killing women.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Back with a big bang!

Eish, I seriously have a terrible period pain. It feels like there's somebody inside my tummy, viciously pulling my guts apart....
But really and truly, "aunt flow" is traumatic on her own without all the aggressive, abnormal abdominal pain. Lord have mercy on us women!

Let me not waste time with nonsense and get to the point;

Last year's X factor winner, Alexandra Burke has just wowed the crowd with her "Bad boy" stage performance. It really was unbelievably wowish!
I loved Alex from the first time I saw her on stage bidding for her X factor crown. I thought she was so sweet and lovable, not to mention beautiful.

It surely was fantastic seeing my baby back on that stage..., where it all started from. She's grown so much both as a person and an artist in such a short time.
I already had predicted a dazzling future for her before she even scooped the most craved for crown. Now all thats left is a debut album which am so buying the minute its out.

Shite, tummy still hurting......

A slothful Sunday.

Sundays are normally sickeningly snoozy, but today snatches the cake. Its seriously sloshed!
I'm beginning to realise that an idle mind is truly a dangerous devil's workshop. Right now, if somebody was to make a surprise visit into my thoughts they'd be electrocuted in a sec. Yeah, some thoughts can be shocking!

Human beings are indeed the most pathetic creatures on this planet. Besides having shocking thoughts, imagine all the suffering we have to go through, all the crappy situations we come face to face with....all for what? Nothing in the end.
I'd definitely have loved to be an animal. Not a farm animal, of course, coz of the trauma of being made into "ndiwo", but surely a dog, (Britney's chihuahua) or a cat.
Think of the simplicity in the little lives of mice....? Imagine not earning a bloody living, but living blissfully in naked ignorance, thieving people's food for survival without the risk of being locked up in some claustrophibic jail cell? Thats what I call happiness and contentment.

Anyway, I advise you not to go deep into the last passage. You can, if you want, but I doubt you'll be able to come back out.

X factor is back...full throttle, boy! Simon Cowell is as usal being Simon Cowell. What with comments like, " that was crazy bad!" and "that is what I call a serious musical nightmare". I just love the dude, man. Even with his ridiculous haircut, I still love him.
I admit being heartlessly racist and feminist, but my favourite contentast this year is white and a guy. Joe, thats his name. Gosh, the guy sings with an effortless incredibility and is depressingly adorable! Who would seriously have it in them to hate that heartbruisingly gorgeous smile? Joe to win!

Great news to all tennis fiends; Justine Henin is back on tour! Can't wait to see her kicking ass. Of course, with the exception of Serena's...

I gotta go now. X factor is now on Tv...